8 miles easy / 1:17 / 9:37 avg pace
Let’s recap the weekend! Friday night was my friend Wendy’s wedding. She looked beautiful and her dress was amazing (it was so Wendy!). The ceremony took place outside on this beautiful covered terrace. It was perfect.
Here is Wendy getting ready to walk down the aisle…
The food was awesome: mini cheeseburgers and a mashed potato bar?! I can’t think of a better way to refuel after 20 miles.
Group shot: Sheryl, Wendy, and me. Not sure why we are all squatting down (especially me).
Saturday was my first weekend home in awhile and I was prepared to tackle some of my to-do list. Matt has been asking me for some time to go through all my pictures (pre-digital age…about 3 1/2 boxes worth) and trash/consolidate. We live in a small house so the less boxes lying around, the better. This took all day. And I’m not even finished. I separated everything into piles based on time but I still need to organize more before placing them in storage boxes. I got rid of 3 garbage bags worth of pictures. Who needs that many pictures of your senior prom? I also got to relive how much fun I had in college 🙂

On Sunday I had a 8 mile tempo run planned with 5 miles at 8:00 pace. I’ve been doing my tempo runs on a shaded trail so my Garmin is always a little off; it often tells me I am running faster than I am. It’s difficult for me to accurately track my pace so I just aim to run in the “comfortably hard” tempo zone.
I got back to my car and took a peek at my times. Holy crap! That was comfortably hard?! I finally found my groove and hit my pace on laps 5 and 6. I obviously need to reign myself in more and control my pace but I do love to see progress!