5 miles easy / no Garmin
Yesterday I took my first strength training class in ages and I lived to tell about it. It wasn’t so bad actually. I’m a little sore today but not as bad as I was expecting. The class did confirm that my leg strength is >>>> my upper body and core strength. This is what I would expect when my legs do all the work and my upper body and core are just along for the ride.
The class was set-up like a circuit and we did lots of different things: kettlebells, pilates reformer, stability ball, etc. There were only 2 students in the class (including me) which I liked. I was able to learn each circuit with the help of the instructor.
It wasn’t terribly difficult but I’m not sure if I want anything difficult right now. I do have to be able to run a lot so I’d like to keep myself somewhat mobile!
Speaking of running, I’ve been getting up at 5AM to run and I’m oh so tired. I crawl into bed at 9-9:30 every night and pass out. I love to run in the summertime but sometimes fitting it all in is hard. We are away most weekends until August so I find myself squeezing in as much a possible Monday through Friday so I can enjoy the weekend (weddings, shore, etc.).
How do you fit running in around your social life (or life in general)? I know there’s no magic answer. I used to get pretty creative with fitting in my long runs when I would have plans on both Friday and Saturday nights. But that was back in the day (my 20s) when I used to go out much more!