7 miles tempo
8:42 avg pace
The plan called for 1 mile easy, 5 miles tempo at 8:45 pace, and 1 mile easy. I felt good again and went for it.
1 mi easy: 9:21
5 mi tempo: 8:26, 8:17, 8:19, 8:25, 8:24
1 mi easy: 9:39
Yeah! It must have been all those Swedish Fish I ate last night 🙂
Week 2 Recap
Since I started training 1 week early, I modified this week’s schedule a bit…meaning I ditched the speed work.
MON: rest
TUE: 8 mi tempo
WED: 4 mi easy
THU: rest
FRI: 7 mi easy
SAT: 15 mi long
SUN: rest
A total of 34 miles. Seems I had a few too many rest days and no yoga (not even Yoga On Demand!). Hmm…that will be fixed this week. I all ready have my yoga plan mapped out so I don’t fall off the wagon again!
Great workout!
I can’t get yoga back into my plan. There just isn’t enough time in the day. Wish I could. It’s so beneficial to running.
Thanks Joanne…just checked out your blog! You’re a RRCA-certified coach – yeah! Congrats on BQing (in your first marathon!) — awesome.
Thanks for keeping me inspired, Kristy. I was dragging so much from the weather, I didn’t hit the treadmill til 8:00 p.m. today. Checking your posts gets my butt moving!
Thanks Ruth! That’s nice to hear!
Way to go Kristy…I’m so impressed with your endurance especially with this cold weather! Definitely motivating me to want to exercise more and get back to yoga!!! Love the youtube video.
Thanks Cara!