I woke up this morning to torrential rain, despite weather.com’s hourly forecast assuring me that there would only be a 50% chance of rain at 6AM. Ugh. I’m all for running in the rain (especially when it’s 50 degrees in January), but voluntarily running in a downpour is a bit much. My mind starts spinning. How am I going to fit in my tempo run? I could do it on the treadmill or get to work early so I can leave early and do it then. Outside running (even at night) trumps treadmill running any day. Decision made.
I get into work by 7:15AM and manage to spill my coffee not once but twice. The first time on myself as I juggled 2 bags and an umbrella. The second time all over my mouse pad. I dry off the mouse pad, let it air dry, and stick my planner under the mouse. Ugh.
If today continues this way, at least I have my run to look forward to.
I was out the door for my run by 4:15PM. I’m not the best after-work runner but I was aiming for 8 miles total, with 6 at MP (8:15-8:20 pace). Success! MP splits: 8:17, 8:13, 8:17, 8:19, 8:15, 8:14 <– consistency!
Other random thoughts…
I love Running Times. I just got my first 2 issues in the mail this weekend. Way better than Runners World, if you’re a run nerd like me. No fluff, just good articles with quality information.
I’m not so in love with my Brooks Adrenaline 12s. I know, this is blasphemous. I’ve been wearing them for 2 months now with no issues (note: I’ve been wearing them for 11 years with no issues as well). This past weekend, the right shoe started to rub the inside of my ankle the wrong way. My inner ankle is now swollen and sore. I switched back to my Adrenaline 11s and I’m fine. Comparing the 2 side-by-side you can tell the 12s are cut higher on the inner ankle than the 11s. Waaaah! Now I’m running in an old pair of 11s while my new pair of 12s sit in my closet.
Is anyone else super excited about the Olympic Marathon Trials? I would love to be in Houston, spectating and soaking it all in!
Is it true there will be no live coverage of the Trials?
Is anyone else having a similar problem with the Adrenaline 12s?
I’m still running in the 11s and I suggest that you engage in some hording. Lots of online stores still have 11s!
That’s what I plan on doing! Be weary of the 12s if you upgrade!
Congrats on getting the evening run in! And a blog post too! I’m really bad about working out later in the day, so I could feel your apprehension about it! Sorry about the shoes, I run in Nikes, but have had problems with a new edition of the same model.
Woot! Another solid run! I’m not so good with the afternoon/evening runs either. It ends up consuming my whole day – worrying about if something will pop up in life to interfere with my run, whether I’ll be able to run on a tummy filled with food, etc.
Way to get it done!
There is coverage on NBC from 3-5 pm!!! 🙂
I just found that and DVR’d it!!!! SO excited!
I was JUST thinking about how I don’t like my 12’s as much!!!! I want my 11’s back!!!!!
You are trooper. Keep it up. I would have went back to bed after I spilled my first coffee. Then again, I am treadmill runner — 6,7,8 doesn’t matter — it is my yoga.
I enjoy keeping up with you, even if it is only on your blog.
I wore adrenalines for a long time and ended up switching to Ghosts. The adrenalines felt a bit heavy for me and once I had a good insole, I didn’t need the them. But I can say that the latest ghosts (i switch at 3 and now they are at 4) took a while to feel good.
And I am so excited about the marathon trials too. I am rooting for Shalane, but to be honest, I want Deena and Kara to triumph. I love those girls.
I’m so bummed about no live coverage! I’ll be glued to twitter all morning to sstalk the RC!
Nice running! that’s super consistent!
I know it’s so lame there’s no live coverage thank god for twitter. I heart running times too! The articles are definitely different from runner’s world and more geared towards “non-beginning” runners.
I love the adrenaline 12s!!! I think they’re a lot better than the 11s and they feel really good. BUMMER they’re giving you problems – I wonder why.
I don’t think there’s live coverage, but I did hear that there will be two hours of (I assume edited) coverage on Sunday afternoon. We’ll be on DC for the day, so I’m planning on recording it!
We had the same Thursday. I spilled more than half of my (cold) coffee on myself yesterday. My jeans were soaked. The floor needed a good cleaning. The worst part of it all, I just came back from lunch at my house!!! Grrr… Bad timing.
So glad you got your tempo run in, and after work! You’re my hero. I never have any energy after work, so to see how well you did just goes to show that you can push yourself to do anything if you put your mind to it. I sound like Marty McFly from Back to the Future.
*correction, George McFly…
I forgot to add, my OB/GYN is running that marathon. I saw someone commented already that it’s being aired on NBC. I’m excited to watch too. ;o)
I assume she’s doing the Houston marathon and not the Trials? 😉 Although from what you told me, she’s super fast!
Ooh, I need to subscribe to Running Times! Thanks for the recommendation!
I am sorry your shoes are troubling you! That is always so frustrating when you try out a shoe and then have to retire it before long. Feels like so much $$ down the drain. Grrr!
NICE SPLITS! So consistent! You are going to RAWK Boston, my friend! 🙂