On Wednesday, I – well, RTLR Coaching – was a vendor at a local health and fitness expo. This was my first vendor gig and I was pretty pumped about it. It didn’t draw a large crowd – definitely not race expo size – but it was big enough for me to connect with local runners and other local vendors in my area.
Each vendor was provided with a 6’ table and was told to “make it look nice”. When you’re a running coach, what are you supposed to put on said table? It’s not like I’m selling merchandise or demonstrating anything. Instead, I made a nice alternating arrangement of business cards and trifold brochures I created. It took me a whole 5 minutes to set up my table.
Let’s talk about the last minute homemade sign. On Monday night Matt asked me if I had a banner or anything to hang on the table, identifying myself. Um, no. Didn’t even think of that. Ensue frantic shopping trip to Michael’s to stock up on crafty items. The result is a homemade sign that screams newbie.
Another lesson learned? In addition to ordering a banner, get a T-shirt made. When in doubt, throw on the Boston jacket!
All in all, I got to talk about running for 3 hours, which is always a good night. Hopefully I got some new clients too!
St. Patty’s Day
One of the best times of the year! Another reason to drink beer and (college) basketball!
I wasn’t sure how long I was going to run yesterday but in the spirit of SPD, I decided to make it a 17-miler. Turns out, yesterday morning was the best time to be out and about…drinking green beer.
Because the afternoon was miserable.
But not too cold for beer.
It seems the Luck of the Irish was plentiful this weekend at the races! I’ve seen numerous mentions of PRs on Twitter. I can’t wait to read the race recaps.
If you raced this weekend, brag about it! If you didn’t, brag about how much beer you drank or something else.
I had a strange urge to run a 5K this morning – that never happens – but decided on 9 recovery miles instead.
I think wearing your Boston jacket is the best banner you could hang at your table!! That’s exciting to market your services and be able to talk running – both I’m guessing you love 🙂
No racing for me this weekend. Just trying to get back on track after being grossly sick. Solid 13 miler = check!
I have a new PR at RnR USA! Beautiful day for a race and now we are expecting sleet and maybe some snow..so glad it was in the 40’s yesterday!
I drank a ton of beer, and ran 0 miles. I did jump around and dance for a solid 12 hours yesterday though. 🙂
I would totally hire a coach in a Boston jacket! Wise move! I barely ran and didn’t drink any beer because I hate it, but I did drink champagne and eat tons of chocolate and see a chick flick. Not the traditional celebration but still fun.
that’s so cool you got to be at an expo! Talking about running for a few hours is never a bad thing 🙂 also the Boston jacket = immediate coach credibility. Love it.
I drank no beer this weekend. Irish girl fail!
Yay! I hope you get new clients too. Looks like fun! One more hard week of training and then taper for me!! Boston is coming up!
No PR at my race for me, but I had a nice girls’ weekend–and the scenery on the run was beautiful even if I wasn’t!
I agree that wearing your Boston jacket is great advertising. I hope it yields new clients for you.
yeah, see the #5krevolution is calling your name! 🙂
raced a half. had a ball. drank no beer but ate a lot of cookies!
You are too cute. I hope you do get a ton of new clients. They’d be so lucky to have you as a coach.
I ran the Shamrock Marathon in VA Beach but no PR. Still fun — but still tired from the long drive (even though I didn’t drive. LOL).
Your homemade sign is hilarious. I would have stopped to talk to you for sure 🙂
actually totally glad you posted this because I have wondered this myself…as a coach what would I really put out?? I love what you say though, really at the end of the day ti was all about talking running!
Congrats on the expo gig! Hope you get some new clients. The Bucks County half marathon had a smallish but nice sized expo, maybe that is worth looking into, too? That was an april half, not sure when it is this year. 2 yrs ago they held it at a gym so there’s the possibility of unregistered racers walking through too.
I think wearing your Boston jacket is a as good or better than your own t-shirt! And great idea going to the expo. I actually went to the RRCA course in St. Louis last weekend 🙂