8 miles tempo
9:02 avg pace
I wish I could bottle up how I felt during this run and take a sip whenever I need some encouragement. Even though it was cold and I ran through snow I felt amazing!
Split times:
Miles 1 and 2 (easy): 9:22, 9:23
Miles 3 to 6 (tempo): 8:44, 8:44, 8:45, 8:44 (how’s that for consistency?!)
Miles 7 and 8 (easy): 9:18, 9:16
If you missed my post about what a tempo run is, you can read about it here.
A view from my run…

Today was the first time I ran with my SPIbelt. I don’t like to bring much with me when I run but I should be taking my cell phone for safety reasons.
The SPIbelt is like a fanny pack for runners. It’s small but super stretchy. I put it on low – down by my hips – and it didn’t move an inch or bop up and down. I’m not fashion conscious when I run but it’s barely noticeable. I took the liberty of modeling it for you…

And Hawk approves of it!

I could definitely use a photography class. Sorry for the poor quality pics.
It’s supposed to snow which means quality time with the treadmill tomorrow. Boo.
Must say I am really loving the blog and I find it inspiring, it makes me almost want to get out there and run…. maybe after another few weeks of this I will get out there but for now I will stick to Zumba!
Thanks Trish…and I need to try Zumba!
I loved the pic. No need to apologize at all. It makes me feel as if I had been there with you:)