Matt traveled for work this week so my goals were to be flexible but aim to get all the miles in and squeeze in a few days of pre-hab.
9 miles with 4×1600 at 10K effort (7:39, 7:40, 7:35, 7:31)
Matt didn’t travel until Monday night and I knew there would be lots of BOB-running in my future so I had to knock out a speed workout. Mondays are generally 8 to 9 easy miles because of Saturday’s long run and Sunday’s barre class so I figured this would be interesting to say the least. I was pleasantly surprised at how well my legs held out! They were trashed for the rest of the day but this workout was encouraging.
rest with pre-hab
Definitely needed a rest day…
Wednesday & Thursday
6 miles and then 5 miles (Garmin-free) with the BOB
pre-hab on both days
Nothing much to report about these runs other than very. slow. running.
more rest and Matt came home!
17 miles (9:43 avg pace)
Today was day 2 of a 5-day stretch of unrelenting humidity. I was running by 6:15AM and, overall, it wasn’t so bad. I used Tailwind for the first time on this run – I’m going to do a detailed review in another post – and loved it. I definitely think it contributed to me feeling so well in these conditions. My only goals were to cover 17 miles and feel good for the rest of the day (check! check!). In order to do that I had to take it slow.
8 miles recovery (10:07 pace)
No barre today since there was a sub (I really like my instructor) and I needed to get another run in.
It was a pretty boring week training-wise – 45 miles total – with only 1 speed workout. I just couldn’t fit a tempo run in unless I hit the treadmill. I thought about it but I just can’t bring myself to run on it in June!
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