26.2 miles / 3:43:46 / 8:32 avg pace (official results)
I feel like I’m dreaming! Ten years (yes, 10 years) of hard work finally paid off today when I crossed that finish line with a minute and 14 seconds to spare. I immediately started to cry. It has been my dream to have the title of “BQer”.
I am overwhelmed by the support, well wishes, and congrats from my family, friends, and readers. I cannot thank you enough or put into words how much it means to me.
I have A LOT more to say (let’s see how long I can milk this ;)) and will provide a full race recap this week.
I’m still hopeful about registration but realize my chances of actually running the Boston Marathon in 2012 are slim. I get the chance to register on 9/19/11 if slots are still available. But…crazier things have happened, so you just never know!
I am celebrating tonight with beer and a DQ Blizzard. I bet you’re shocked.
Congratulations Kristy! Awesome!!!
AMAZING!!! Love the pic!! I am so so so happy and excited for you! I had no doubts I would be reading this triumphant post. I can’t wait to read all about it – milk that bad boy for all it’s worth! Now go celebrate your awesome ass off!
EEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh! this just pumped me up!!!! so freaking excited and happy for you! i literally thought of you racing FIRST THING when I woke up with morning and was sending you all the positive vibes that I could possibly send! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! you are amazing and so inspiring!
WOW!!! I am so happy for you – well deserved! You trained smart and it payed off!!! GIVE ME YOUR SECRETS! haha
But, seriously, CONGRATS!
Congrats Kristy! I knew you could do it 🙂 I’m in the exact same boat as you for 2012 – fingers crossed for both of us! Have a wonderful day (week, month) of celebration – you’ve earned it!
Hi Kristy–I JUST found your blog right now through Twitter. I am on the same quest that you just completed–my blog address is bqby40.blogspot.com. My marathon is next weekend (9/17). I’m going to spend the week reading over your blog and getting tips. I’m not sure I’m ready to do a Boston time this weekend–I haven’t run a marathon since 2005 (gave birth to twins in 2006) and my training times this cycle were inconsistent–but I’m sure going to try.
Anyway, big congrats on your BQ!!
Yayayayayayayayay!!! CONGRATS girl, this is so exciting 🙂 stay up on cloud 9 milking it for as long as you can 😉 fingers crossed for 9/19!
You ROCK! I knew you had it in you. Hurry up and write that report, I’m dying to hear all the details.
What kind of blizzard? And it better have been a large!
Congrats girl!
Congrats woman!! So exciting 🙂 🙂
Holy Crap!!! Congratulations woman. You deserve it. I can’t wait to watch you train for Boston. I’m tearing up for you!!! Enjoy yourself with some beer!
VERY VERY Happy for you! Congrats 🙂
You are my freaking hero! You make me feel like I can achieve my running dreams too 🙂
Oh my gosh, congrats, congrats, congrats!! I never doubted for a minute you’d do it, but am so happy for you!! You deserve this more than anyone – you are amazing!! Enjoy that blizzard and beer, lady!!
YES!!!! Congratulations!! I am so freaking happy for you!!!! I was thinking you would do it just based on how strong your training was this cycle. I am sure you feel on top of the world right now – soak it all in!! The first time I qualified for Boston was probably more exciting than running the marathon itself. Don’t get me wrong, the race is amazing, but having that BQ is a testament to all the many years of hard work you put in – there’s nothing like that feeling!!
Fingers (doubly) crossed for open spots on 9/19.
ahhhhh!!! congratulations. all of your hard work totally showed today. so excited for you. enjoy your recover and cannot WAIT to read your RR.
CONGRATS!!!!!!! Soooooooo happy for you!!!
Congratulations Kris!!! I knew you would do it!! so happy for you. Enjoy celebrating!
woo hoo! Congrats! So happy for you!
Congrats!! So happy for you! I’ll pray for an open spot for you. Can’t wait to read the all the details. 🙂
CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS!! I knew you’d do it. You put in amazing training! You deserve that DQ Blizzard and an entire 6-pack of beer!
Great job!
Congrats on achieving a 10 year dream! I love those letters!! So cute! I’d have been too superstitious to bring them but clearly you had no trouble! Enjoy it! It will be interesting to see what happens with registration….
HOORAY! Congrats! What an awesome accomplishment 🙂 I actually spent the weekend with Ms. Hannah Hastings and I mentioned how much I enjoyed reading your blog. She says hi!
AHHHH i was holding my breath and thinking of you all day! That is AMAZING!!! I will keep my fingers crossed that you get to run. Meanwhile missy i hope you seriously consider staying with us for the race, whether or not you can run it, you have to come 🙂 🙂
Holy shit – must email. Hold up…….
Congratulations, Kristy! You worked hard for this!! Enjoy it!!
I was out of town and out of the blog-loop last weekend when this happened, but congratulations!! I’ll be thinking of you Monday, hope you get to register!
Way to go girl! SO happy for you! It is a dream of mine as well but I still have a ways to go! You rocked it!
Congratulations!! Sara told me about your accomplishment. You should be very proud of yourself.
Carol (proud of Sara too) Becker