Before I get to the fun stuff, let’s recap Week 11 of NJ Marathon training…
MON: rest
TUE: 8 miles speed
WED: rest
THU: 6 miles easy
FRI: 10.5 miles tempo
SAT: 15.5 miles long
SUN: rest (really just a smidge hungover)
A total of 40 miles for the week. I’m happy I was able to maintain a decent pace on my long run the day after a long tempo run. A big fail this week was no yoga. No even 1 measly class. It was a rough week (cue the excuses) but I’ll get back on track this week.
Onto the FUN stuff. Last night was “Mains Night Out” or “Mains Gone Wild”. What the hell am I talking about right? What is a “Main”? That’s what my friends and I call ourselves — the Mains. The name started many years ago, when other people used to hang out with us.
“Who’s coming out tonight?”
“The Mains and x, y, z.”
It really stems out of laziness. Instead of naming all the Mains (8 of us), it was easier to just say “Mains”. So years later, it’s still just us Mains, minus the other people.
We talked about last night for months. For the past 2 years, at least one of the Mains has been pregnant at some point. It has been quite awhile since we all went out and everyone could drink and have a good time. No one is pregnant right now so a night out was planned and babysitters and hotel rooms were booked.
We went to a few different bars in Philly, some new and some oldies but goodies. We had a blast. So. Much. Fun. It was so nice to have everyone together. I think we are all feeling a little tired and hungover today, but it was totally worth it. I’m not sure how the Mains with kids are doing it today!
Some pictures:
Hi! Just found your blog and wanted to stop in and say hello! Have a great Sunday night.
I lik your Sunday rationale! ha ha!
Do you feel like your long run is impacted when you do your tempo the day before?? Just curious! Looking like you are ready!!!
Hi Jess –
I never really do my tempo the day before (it’s usually a rest/easy run/yoga day) but it was unavoidable this week. Thankfully my legs felt fresh for the long run. Maybe because my tempo pace wasn’t really a “pushing” it pace — it was just my goal marathon pace??