How many of you are about to begin training for a Fall marathon or half marathon? How many of you already started training?
‘Tis the season! I love it. It makes me giddy. There’s something about just rolling out of bed, throwing on shorts and a tank, and just going that is so wonderful. No checking, no worrying that the snot or sweat you just wiped with your glove will freeze and turn your hands numb.
Long, sweaty runs are my favorite. Long runs are an accomplishment to begin with and with the added heat it feels like an even bigger triumph.
Then there are days when the humidity breaks and you feel like you are flying. You realize you are making progress and it’s all coming together.
Summer is synonymous with training to me and this summer will be no different. I was hesitant to make any major decisions after Boston because I needed a mental break.
Physically, I feel great. I’m happy with where my running is. Mentally, I would say I’m getting there. So logically I would decide to sign up for a 50K in August. Yep, Turkey Swamp 50K here I come (ready or not).
What are you training for right now?
What are your favorite things about summer running?
Awesome! I too am planning an ultra for the late Fall 🙂 I haven’t started training yet, but just trying to ease back in after Boston/Vermont City.
Now if I could only stay on my feet!!!!
Yay! Glad you’re diving in 🙂 Now we just have to make a trail date…
An ultra?! That is awesome! Can’t wait to read all about your training!!
I’m kind of training month to month – no big goals right now. I don’t want to have a big race hanging over my head until residency stuff is more in full swing (ie have app submitted, personal statement written, etc). My next race is a 5k on July 29. After that I have another 5k on Aug 25. I’m sure I’ll throw in another NYRR race in Aug (team champs maybe which is 5 miles). There’s a 10K I wanna do in September, maybe a half in October, then a 5K in November. All of them I’m not committed to just have them in the back of my head to keep me motivated, but not pressured or tied down.
Basically, very non-committal at this point 🙂
Can’t wait to read about your 50K training and race! Since you love the marathon, I think it’s right up your alley!
Yay for your first ultra!! You are going to love it. I’m not sure about the August part, but maybe you’ll get lucky and have a cool day 🙂
you are awesome! Can’t wait to track your training! 🙂
By my calculations, that’s 31 miles. wow. I’m looking forward to hearing about your training plans and your plans for race day. It’s in August, no less! What if you wake up and by 8 am it’s alreay 85 degrees with 100% humidity? I give you credit, Kristy, you are definitely driven!
So much for taking it easy! I’m super impressed that you signed up for an ultra. In New Jersey. In August. I’ve run races in nearby Colts Neck and if Freehold’s topography is anything similar, expect hills.
Next on my docket is Chicago, but I’m doing a shorter training cycle so I haven’t started training yet.
YES! Good for you for signing up – I know you’ve been saying an Ultra has been a goal of yours.
I love summer running too. I love the feel of a good sweaty long run. I also love in the summer how there’s so many more runners out there, so the energy level is awesome. Hopefully I can start training for NYC in mid-July!!! Hopefully!!!!
I HATE summer running–I would rather do 20 miles in 20 degrees than 3 miles in 85 degrees!!! The only good thing about summer running is that eventually fall comes and those first cool runs of the season feel incredible!!!
So excited you are taking the plunge and doing an ultra! Looking forward to hearing about your training.
Right now the only definite on my schedule is the Runner’s World Festival on October. I signed up for the “hat trick”: 5k and 10k on Saturday and half-marathon on Sunday. I am not sure which day to make my goal day as far as speed…while I would like to break 1:45 on the half, I don’t think it is realistic the day after a 5k and 10k plus the course has a few hills. So I may try for a good 10k time and run the half more comfortably (1:50ish)
Also contemplating the Bucks County marathon. It is the same weekend as Philly but small and low-key. This is only its second year. We’ll see…
Love summer running……love getting out early in the AM before the heat of the day……or in the evening when the heat starts to fall off. Next biggie on my schedule is the ING Hartford Marathon in October, with a few half-marathons in between.
Awesome! I wish I enjoyed summer running as much as you do! I’m such a heat wimp. I’m training for a mountain climb and a Fall marathon.
I agree, I love the simplicity of running in the summer. Congrats on picking a race, that’s so exciting! I can’t wait to hear more about the course and your training – good luck!
I was waiting for the ultra. Logically it should be next after running Boston?!? Yeah? How exciting. So how are you training for this? What’s the plan? I’m so excited for you!
What’s next on my list? Hmm, maybe a few short races in the summer time to get my speed going. Then NJ has an 18-mile race in October (prepares a lot of the Fall marathoners) and then NYC in November. I need to see if there are any half marathons out there too.
So glad it’s FRIDAY!!! I am looking forward to a lot of my short runs w/ Lili in the jogger. I figure that might help me become a stronger runner… or so I am telling myself this. Training won’t officially start for another week. SO just fun runs ahead.
So excited for you! You’ll love the ultra! I’m so with you – love throwing on a tank and shorts and being out the door, not like winter where you have to put on 1,000 layers and run in the pitch black morning.
You have a great attitude about summer running–to me, it’s a necessary evil to get through so I can run well in the fall. I guess that’s just a more negative way of saying the same thing you did. :^) I’m signed up for the Detroit Half and the California International Marathon. Hoping I can run strong there! GOOD LUCK with the 50K. I think that’s amazing!
awesome!! This time of year makes me giddy too – so excited to start on Monday for NYC. Yayy! And congrats on signing up for the 50k – that’s major! I like long, sweaty runs too. Also the really early daylight. have a great weekend!!
Wow- a 50k! Good for you!! In Texas, it’s too hot for anything over a 5k/10k in the summer months… I’m looking forward to ramping my miles back up this fall. I miss the long runs!
I am currently marathon training 😀 I always love it when I am in training mode that way I have an excuse to run more 🙂 win win!