Erica Sara Necklace
I’m not normally a necklace wearer, but I instantly loved this Erica Sara necklace that Meggie featured on her blog last month. I love the button concept and the ability to personalize it. So what does mine say? BOSTON 4-16-12. I didn’t want the word “marathon” or “26.2” included – I wanted it short and sweet and not obvious.
Broad Street Run
I’m running Broad Street this Sunday, the flattest and fastest (and most crowded) 10-miler. I’m transforming into spontaneous Kristy and running without a plan or a strategy. It’s too soon after Boston to tell how my legs will hold up (although my quads are feeling back to normal) so I’m just gonna go with the flow (gasp!).
I don’t talk about coaching often but I realized earlier this week that it has been a year since I started my little coaching biz (officially…unofficially, I’ve been coaching for years). To say that it’s completely rewarding and fulfilling is an understatement. I just need to figure out a way to do it full-time
Hawk has seasonal allergies
Yes, just like me! On Saturday his one eye was a green, goopy mess. Since this has happened before, I immediately started giving him Benadryl. A few hours later he was pawing at it – something he never does – so we went to the vet. We walked out with this and some eye drops…
Don’t let the slightly pleasant look fool you, Hawk was miserable. Thankfully we didn’t need to leave the cone on too long since the Benadryl kicked in pretty quickly. Poor guy!
Are you more spontaneous or more of a planner? I’m interested to see your response, as I know most runners are Type A.
love the necklace! what a great way to remember your first Boston experience 🙂
I love my Erica Sara necklace!!! Wear it all the time. 🙂 Good luck on your 10-miler. I have a half-marathon in 2 weeks and I have no idea how I am going to do. My legs don’t feel fancy free pre-marathon, but they will get there. Hawk is too cute. 🙂
Didn’t you surprise yourself and PR at a half shortly after a marathon one time?
You got the better necklace out of the deal! Poor puppy’s “necklace” is a bummer!
awwwwwwwww poor Hawk!! Have fun with the Broad Street Run! Maybe I’ll do it some day!
LOVE the necklace! I still can’t decide on my three words!!! I love the button shape and the ability to personalize it.
Love the necklace!
I am definitely a planner.
Good luck at Broad Street. 🙂
I am a planner down to the absolute second and minute detail. Sometimes it’s a big benefit, sometimes it sucks. I’m excited to see how spontaneity works for you!! Good luck 🙂
I love Erica’s race bling!! And, poor little Hawk. I hope he feels better soon!
Poor Hawk! I can’t imagine that cone is a fun experience.
I am a huge planner–so much so that I even plan when I am going to be spontaneous! Okay, that last part isn’t entirely true, but it’s close.
Love the necklace!!! I’m definitely a planner, but lately have given into relaxing on my need for a plan and my need to stick to a plan. I love Broad Street and am so jealous!!!! Good luck 🙂
And I hope Hawk feels better 🙂
I’m super Type A and like everything planned out…preferably in a spreadsheet. 🙂
Hope little Hawk is feeling better soon!
Nice necklace! I am pretty spontaneous compared to other runners it seems. THat leads me to do stupid things like marathons that destroy goal marathons. I guess sometimes it can be good too. Enjoy the Broad Street run! I think you will surprise yourself. I am not sure if my endurance is still there anymore but I actually think I am faster. Good luck!
ps hawk looks so cute/sad/helpless in that picture. It kind of breaks my heart.
The collar of shame! Poor guy.
Good luck at Broad St! I think it’s smart not to have a specific plan right now and see how you feel. Enjoy it!
I love the necklace! It’s beautiful! And Hawk is just so darn cute. I want to hug him! Poor li’l guy! Have a blast at your race this weekend! I agree with everyone else who said you are going to nail it. 🙂
Aw poor Hawk. The dreaded cone.
Love the Broad Street attitude! Best of luck out there!
I’m definitely more of a planner when it comes to racing, but should probably chill out a bit!
Oh poor Hawk! Maybe he needs one of those flexible cloth cones? 🙂
Good luck on your race! Sub 1:20 or bust 🙂
Definitely a planner here, but I can be spontaneous if it’s the right thing. I love the necklace and I love your unobtrusive message on it. :^)
Love the necklace.
Oh, not the cone of shame!! Poor puppy!
Aww my Bear has seasonal allergies too. His feet get itchy and the rims of his eyes look puffy. Poor fur babies.
I LOVE the preparation and planning of training for a race…so that would probably make me more “Type A.”