8 miles tempo
8:52 avg pace
1 mile warm-up
6 miles at GMP (8:45 pace): 8:44, 8:43, 8:34, 8:32, 8:46, 8:45
1 mile cool-down
I still have some residual soreness from Sunday’s race 🙁
Proof that the hourly forecast on weather.com is worthless: it was warm and a little humid when I started running. It started to drizzle, which I didn’t mind. I love running in the rain and it was actually refreshing. Then it started pouring, the temperature dropped about 15 degrees, and the wind was smacking me relentlessly in the face. Waaaah!
This week is my last big training week before the taper. I’m trying to rally hard since in my mind I just ran a race and race = an easy week of training afterwards. This will be my highest mileage week of this cycle – 43 miles – which still isn’t much compared to my previous training plans. I also have a 22-miler on schedule for Saturday. I really want to do well in that run since (for me at least) it sets the tone for my marathon.
Week 13 recap of NJ Marathon training:
MON: 6 easy
TUE: 15 long
WED: rest
THU: 7 easy
FRI: yoga
SAT: rest
SUN: 10 mile race
A total of 38 miles for the week. I’m glad I was able to get in most of my key workouts and still manage a PR in a tune-up race.
Here are some pictures from Sunday’s race (sorry they are so small, I tried to make them as big as possible). I want to preface these pictures by saying that 99.9% of the time, I HATE my race pics. I always look like I’m speed walking and I have a miserable look on my face. With that being said…

Does anyone like race day photos? I always think they are so unflattering!
You are going to rock your marathon! Good luck with the pre-taper week!!
Thank you LeeAnn!
I have NEVER seen a good race photo… especially of myself! My legs always look like they’re about to attack someone!
I had quite a similar run this morning too! Pleasantly warm with a slight drizzle then pouring in the middle, and drizzled again at the end… it’s safe to say I was SOAKED by the end of it!
For the race day photo, if I am running during a race and see a camera guy, I usually run past him looking stern and determined at least for that one moment and I hope he captures the shot! As soon as I pass though, I go back to my gasping for oxygen face 🙂
I could ring my clothes out they were so wet!
I thought I was doing that too but, from the looks of my pictures, I wasn’t!
I love knowing that once I finish pushing through that last tough week I get to taper! My race photos are ridiculous. For my first marathon, my mom said that my friend that I was running with looked normal in all of them while I looked like I was running in the special olympics. No joke.
Wow – that is harsh! I don’t know anyone with good race photos!
I looked like I was either out for a walk or dying in all of my marathon pics 🙂
Race day photos are never flattering!
But they certainly are of special moments so they make up for it! 🙂
good luck with your training 🙂
i always feel like im flying and i see the pictures and it looks like im going for a leisurly walk- they also usually happen to take the picture when im making a terrible face- unless i see the photographer ahead and i try and cheese it up 🙂
good luck with taper week and your marathon!