Today marks Day 1 of training for marathon #9 – the Leigh Valley Marathon. To be honest, I’m kinda lost without a training plan so I’m happy to jump right back into it.
I planned to do my speed work today just to get it over and done with. So I looked at my plan: 3×1600 at 7:11 pace (with a 1 min rest interval between mile repeats). Ugh. I hate mile repeats. And why bother with a 1 min rest interval? That’s such a tease!
That’s when I decided on doing a 5K. Why not? It’ll be the same as doing my prescribed speed work, minus the rest interval. And…misery loves company.
So there I was signing up on race day at the Lansdowne Memorial Day 5K Race, going against every non-spontaneous bone in my body. I haven’t raced a 5K since 2007 and I think I ran an even 24:00 back then.
Conditions: Hot and sunny
Course: Hilly
My legs felt sluggish from the get go. So I just tried to maintain a 7:30 pace, even though it was no where near the 7:11 pace I was supposed to run. Some very kind neighbors had their sprinklers on so occasionally I’d get a brief break from the heat. My goal for this race was to place in the top 3 for my age group.
Around mile 2.5 a volunteer told the girl ahead of me that she was the 4th overall female. I couldn’t believe it…I was the 5th overall female?!?! Get out! But I was running so slow?! I guess the heat was getting to everyone.
But I wasn’t in the clear yet. I had a woman hot on my tail. After mile 2.5 she pulled a little ahead of me. There was no way in hell I was going to let her take 5th overall female away from me. I let her go ahead but stayed just enough behind her so she couldn’t hear my panting. I wanted her to think I was further behind her. When I could see the finish line I made my move and sprinted right past her. It’s a good thing I did – she was 37 and in my age group!!
Official results:
23:22 (7:32 avg pace)
5/172 – overall female
3/44 – 30 to 39 age group