After the knee fiasco on Saturday things got better and then got worse. I had a great time at the wedding (more on that later) but tossed and turned all Saturday night because my body just ached. Not long run aches, flu aches. I was so uncomfortable I barely slept. I woke up feeling awful, kinda like the flu – achy, feverish, chills. I took some Advil and we made our way back home. We got home, I slept for a few hours, parked myself on the couch, and watched TV. I also begged Matt to get me a DQ Blizzard (hey, there was nothing wrong with my stomach). Since I know I can’t have the flu, I’m chalking it up to the damn tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis vaccine. Not only does my arm hurt, it made me feel crappy…for two days! I’m home from work today because I still don’t feel good. This needs to end now. I hate being sick.
Onto more fun stuff! The wedding was a good time and Camille never looked happier. Some pictures…