Greetings from D.C.! Matt and I are happy to be back. We lived here for 3 years after college for grad school. We have so many good memories of this place and met so many great people (Matt and I lovingly refer to them as the “DC peeps”; we are still friends with all of them to this day).
We hit up the expo which was very crowded and uneventful, except for the weather. One minute sun…
The next minute crazy wind and hail. Yeah, waiting in line outside was fun.

Then we took Mr. Hawk for a long walk into Georgetown.

Since I’m all about honesty on Run The Long Road, I must make a confession. I broke down and ate a cupcake. I even photographed my evidence! If you missed my post a few days ago, I gave up sweets until after the marathon. I made it about a week. Maybe I should just focus on giving up DQ Blizzards until after the marathon?! In my defense, we barely ate lunch and my blood sugar was dropping to dangerously low levels.

Off to dinner…and then to bed. Got a very early wake-up call tomorrow.