I’m loving these shoes…even if they are pink.
I despise pink but they were only $78!
I’m a Brooks girl. I wore Adrenalines for a long, long time before they started to tweak the design (for the worse, in my opinion). So I transitioned to the (slightly) less supportive Ravennas and all was good.
I’m a big believer in “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” when it comes to running shoes. So then why try the PureCadence?
I just finished reading Jay Dicharry’s book, Anatomy for Runners (review coming soon). While he did stress “if it ain’t broke…” when it comes to running shoes, he also pointed out that going as minimal as possible could be better. If Adrenalines are as minimal as you can go, then stick with them.
Going more minimal improves muscle activity in your foot, improves balance and proprioception (something I am trying to work on), and improves foot strength. Our foot responds differently in more minimalist shoes. The cushioning of traditional running shoes have made our feet dependent on that support.
None of this is ground breaking news. And I’m not advocating that everyone switch to a more minimalist shoe. For me, I have an issue with overstriding whenever my pace dips down to HM pace. I can feel my right hamstring tighten after a few miles. This hasn’t manifested as an injury but it’s something I should try to fix.
Dicharry’s advice for runners wanting to switch from a traditional shoe to a more minimalist one is to drop your current heel height by ~half. The Ravennas have a 10mm drop and PureCadence has a 5mm drop.
So far I’ve put 17 miles on my PureCadences (2 short runs and a 9-miler this morning). So far, so good. I can definitely “feel more” when I’m running and I notice the difference in weight. I’m hoping that these shoes, coupled with a few tweaks to my form, will nix my overstriding issues. I haven’t been able to do so in my Ravennas.
Did you transition to a more minimalist shoe recently? Which one? I know the PureFlows are very popular. They might be my next pair.