5 miles / 44:10 / 8:50 avg pace
*1 mile WU, 3 miles at 8:00 pace, 1 mile CD
Happy Tuesday friends! After a long weekend of sun and fun, it’s back to reality.
Matt and I headed to Brigantine, NJ on Saturday for a long weekend. Saturday through Monday were perfect beach days…days you dream about during the summer…much less in October. We could not get over how unbelievably warm it was.

Hawk thoroughly enjoyed himself. Loved the sand, but water…not so much.

We sat on the beach until 5pm on Sunday. It was too gorgeous to leave.

Before we hit the beach on Sunday, I was glued to my computer watching live coverage of the Chicago Marathon. It did not disappoint. Moses and Liliya were fascinating to watch but did you read about the pregnant woman (very pregnant, as in 39 weeks) that ran the marathon and gave birth later that night (article here)? Holy crap! She ran the first half and walked the second half, finishing in an impressive 6:25! UNREAL!