When I wrote Monday’s post (on Sunday night) I was anxiously awaiting my run on Monday morning to test my hamstring. I was hoping all the diligent RICE I did over the weekend would loosen things up and allow me to get some decent runs in this week. I headed out the door (in shorts!) and…..I felt so. much. better. To say I was happy and clicking my heels through those 4 miles is an understatement! My hammie isn’t 100% but it’s getting there. Phew!
During the blogger meet-up before the Philly Half, Kari gave everyone Aspaeris compression shorts to try out (thanks Kari!). I’ve never tried compression shorts before…never really had the need for them. I now regret those words!
Fast forward to after the Philly Half, I was sore and my hamstring was screaming. I put the shorts on and wore them the rest of the day under my sweatpants. They felt amazing; I love the support they gave my aching muscles.
I used the compression shorts as part of my RICE therapy all last week. I even wore them to work yesterday (under my work clothes, of course. Have you ever looked at yourself wearing Spanx? That’s what these look like…it’s best to hide them under clothing unless you are built like a supermodel). They were so comfortable, I forgot I had them on.
These shorts came at the absolute, most perfect time. They definitely played a role in healing my hamstring.
My only minor complaint would be they are a little roomy in the waist. I don’t think anything could be done about that because a smaller size would be too small. They are tight where they should be tight and that’s what counts.
Do you wear compression shorts? Do you wear them during a run or post-run ?
I was given Aspaeris compression shorts at no cost; however, the opinions are my own.
I love my Aspaeris compression shorts SO much. I never had them either, and I was also eating my words after wearing them. Amazing.
Looking forward to trying these! I was agonizing over what size to get.
What were you thinking? I would say small or x-small for you.
I have the same shorts and love them too. I even sleep in them after a hard run 🙂
woo! Glad you liked them!
I’m cracking up at the, “it’s best to hide them under clothing unless you are built like a supermodel).” line. Too funny. I would be doing that exact same thing. I’ve got these thunder thighs that just won’t slim no matter what. I don’t mind. Like Nike says, “they’re toned and muscular!”
Cool! i wish I had been there on time to get a pair then! I had no idea you guys were all getting free shorts! I have never used compression shorts, only compression socks.
I want some compression shorts so bad! I have compression sleeves for my calves and they are wonderful!
I’ve only worn compression socks and only after a run. I think they help…or it may be placebo effect.
If those compression shorts do help your hamstring a lot, shoot me an email!
I’ve never even considered using compression anything (socks, pants, shorts)…but I do get super achy after longer runs over the weekends. Maybe I should give em a shot!