Happy Sunday! I’m enjoying Day 2 of a 3-day weekend! I just got back from barre class which kicked my butt, as always. My legs were already tired from 15 miles yesterday and all the pulsing and squeezing sent them over the edge this morning.
So, the Olympic Marathon Trials?! So exciting. I cannot wait for London. I just got back from my long run in enough time to catch the Twitterfest of the finish. Meb is amazing and Shalane, Kara, and Desi are a force to be reckoned with in London.

I wish I could say that I channeled some of that elite energy during my LR but I didn’t. 15 miles with an average pace of 9:04. I will call that a LSD run. I slept 4 hours on Friday night (random insomnia) and, beginning at mile 6, I developed a blister on my right foot (while wearing my Adrenaline 11s – yes, the ones that are supposed to feel good). I have no idea what kind of metamorphosis my right foot is undergoing but it better morph back to my old foot pronto. I’ve never had issues with blisters before. They suck and can really derail a run.
To be honest, my heart was not in this run. I was tired. It was so, so cold. The wind kept smacking me in the forehead and pissing me off. I wanted it to be OVER. I came home and I was upset. This was a slow run for me and a good 45 seconds slower than MP. Then I took out my FIRST plan and looked at what pace I was supposed to run those 15 miles (note: when it comes to long runs I generally “beat” whatever pace the FIRST plan calls for…so I never even bother to look at it pre-run). 9:08. I ran 9:04 and called it a terrible run. I stopped sulking after that.
And…I got my hair cut yesterday! I got a good 6 inches lopped off the back. It feels amazing to have less hair to deal with! It was getting to the point where my hair was in a ponytail every single day. Some pics…

Good luck to everyone running Houston today!
What did you think of the Trials?
Did you have a good long run this weekend?
Love love love the haircut! So cute!
And good for you for getting Hawk into watching the Olympic trials. Smart dog. 🙂
If you step back and take a look at what the “experts” say – your long run was just right. You SHOULDN’T be running them all at marathon pace, even though I know and understand your rationale. So relax. It was a solid 15 mile run! Nice work, my friend!
I don’t think that is a bad pace at all for what you want to run! I did many long runs at about that pace. I am like you that I do like some close to marathon paced long runs but if you do that every weekend…I think it would be exhausting. At least for me. Also aren’t you supposed to run some quite a bit slower so you aren’t aerobic at all and your body can make physiological adaptations?
I loved the trials!! I hid from any sort of media or social media so I could be surprised 🙂 totally worth it! Hope the Olympics will be live…
Yes, but “real” LSD doesn’t work for me. I found that 30 seconds slower than MP works for me for LSD. I know I’m whining about 45 seconds vs. 30 seconds. I need to cut myself some slack!
i am so sorry that you had a bummer long run and that your shoes started acting crazy! on the plus side, your hair looks great! 🙂
Love the little ponytail… hate the Adrenaline 12’s. I ran in them again today and they are not the same!
No long runs, yet, but had a great spin class yesterday!
Watched the trials, bummed for the RC, she had to pull out at 23…
Hope your blister resolves itself!
What happened?! I didn’t know she pulled out at 23! That’s terrible.
I like when my ponytails get tinier after haircuts! haha. Don’t beat yourself up about the run – it’s so hard to run a long run well when it’s as cold as it was (at least I think so)!
Loved the trials – so many awesome races. Can’t wait for london!
Your hair looks so cute!
I love that you had to look up the proper long run pace time to feel better about your run. 🙂
I LOOOOOVE your haircut! Super cute 🙂 Sounds like a great long run to me, especially with a blister – ouch! I swear by Wrightsock, they are the best socks I have found and I don’t wear anything else (except Smartwool on super cold days). They are supposed to have some sort of technology that prevents blisters…..I guess it’s true because I have never gotten any from running. You can buy them online – they’re pricey, but worth it.
I thought the trials coverage was being aired on Sunday, so I was pretty stoked to find it on during the second half of my four-hour brick (the one that I did inside because I was too big a wimp to go out in Wissahickon on Saturday…)