I have 2 races scheduled so far in November: a 12K on 11/12 and the Philly HM on 11/20. I’m mulling over running this Turkey Trot for fun on Thanksgiving Day. And I’m scoping out a low-key 5K in early December. Low-key = not many fast runners, so I have a chance to place in my AG. I have no shame.
Back to the 12K and HM. The only reliable, recent race time I have is my 1:19 finish at the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler in April. Since the 12K is a little under 10 miles (7.45) and the HM a little over, this should be a good predictor. And…bonus, I know my speed has improved since April 🙂
My goal for the 12K is to start just under 8:00 pace and drop it down from there. I know I’ll be hating life early on from oxygen deprivation. I don’t want to be too balls-to-the-wall about my pace in the beginning cause I’ll just end up crashing. It’s an interesting distance, 7.45 miles. It’ll be a PR regardless of time since the 12K distance is new to me.
For the HM, I want a sub-1:45. I won’t be happy with anything in the 1:45 range. Plain and simple!
I’m itching to race again but also dreading these races at the same time. The way I see it, there are essentially 2 types of race day pain: the marathon pain (my-legs-hurt-I-can’t-go-another-step-please-make-this-stop) and oxygen deprivation/lung pain. Personally, I’ll take marathon pain any day. I hate when my lungs are screaming and I’m in that “no talk” zone. Case and point why I would rather run 20 miles over a 5K.
Any November races? I know many of you are doing the Philly HM or Marathon! I hope to see you there!
Which race day pain do you prefer: marathon pain or oxygen deprivation/lung pain?
I had high hopes of training for two 5k’s I’ll run around Thanksgiving and the PSU half in Dec but I’ve been so busy… I took a whole week off from running!
I like both kinds of pain. 🙂
I’m only doing one November race (JFK 50) but I’m doing a 15K and a 5K in December!
A 12K!? What a random distance, but exciting that you are automatically going to PR. 🙂 My first official race was a 4K, which felt like a very strange distance, too! I did it with friends and the shirt was actually really cool– so we lamented the fact that the shirt was cool except for the fact that is broadcast the fact that we ran a race that wasn’t even 3 miles! Haha! Also, I love Turkey Trots on Thanksgiving Day and am sad I won’t be doing one this year. And I TOTALLY agree re marathon pain being preferable to 5K pain!
yayyy Philly!! I’ll be there 🙂
I will be there for Philly if I am still alive by then 😛
I much prefer marathon pain, but half-marathon pain isn’t that bad either…I don’t think you are supposed to be in oxygen debt for that? Actually I am not sure…. Marathons are my strongest distance though.
Marathon pain a million times over. The other kind scares me. I’m still terrified of trying to PR in a half because I still remember how grueling my last one was. My November race is a 50 miler which is sure to bring on a whole new world of pain. Good luck! Your training has been so strong, sub 1:45 half here you come!
I like muscle/marathon pain. I love feeling the pain all day long afterwards (thought maybe not so much from a marathon but more like half marathon pain).
yay for November races! I’ve only got one… in less than four days, gulp. That’s a great question about pain. I’m not sure – I think marathon pain? Ask me again on Sunday night… 🙂
I’d so take marathon pain! Although doing a 5K with the oxygen deprivation isn’t too too bad since it’s not too far. I have asthma so the oxygen deprivation is pretty much every time I run no matter what.
Good luck on your races! 1:45 Half is fantastic! You go girl.
Definitely, definitely definitely muscle pain is better than oxygen deprivation. I am thrilled by the idea of spending 3 hours running 20 miles on a Saturday morning, but 400 meter repeats at the track? Terrifying. Every time I have to do a tempo run I spend my entire warmup freaking out about how slow I’m going to be and how much it’s going to hurt my lungs and heart and I’m going to pass out and it not be enjoyable.Good luck with your race goals!
Hmmm, both kinds of pain have advantages…..I really like all distances–doing a mile race would sort of scare me, though I often wonder how fast I could do a mile all out these days. I bet I could beat my junior high times. :^)
I am doing a 10K next weekend and am toying with a 5K on Thanksgiving in Virginia, where we’re going to visit my sister-in-law and her family. It’s not part of my training, though, and I have a half a week and a half later that IS part of my training and where I very much want to PR. So I’m on the fence about the 5K……
I’ll be at the Philly half! Probably going to the expo Friday late afternoon right after work. I’ve never run a marathon but I like my long runs and would choose them over speedwork. Shorter races are harder!
Amanda – do you think other bloggers would be up for a mini-meet up pre-race? I usually get down there pretty early and just wait around anyway. It would be nice to chat with other bloggers!