7 miles speed
*3 x 1600m with 400m rest interval between repeats – all done at 10K pace.
Quick update! Please, please vote for RTLR for CBS Philly’s Most Valuable Blogger. Voting is very easy – just 1 click and you’re done. You can vote once per day (don’t worry I’ll remind ya!). You can vote here or go to my home page and click on the badge. THANKS!
We are getting to the very end here, folks. Last week went very well, probably because it was a drop week and my legs felt rested.
MON: 6 easy
TUE: 7 speed (and my new found love for 10K pace!)
WED: 7 easy
THU: rest
FRI: 20 (#4 – pretty close to MP too!)
SAT: rest
SUN: 7 tempo
47 miles for the week!
I’m taking a different approach with my taper this cycle. I’m doing the traditional 3 week taper in terms of reducing my overall mileage but I’m doing a 2 week taper in terms of my last long run (22-miler). This week I hope to hit 55 miles (that will be my max for this cycle) but I’ll only be running 15 miles on Friday. Next week I’ll keep my mileage in the low to mid-40s but I’ll do a 22-miler. I think this is going to work out way better mentally for me. I hate the 3 week lag time between your 22-miler and the race. I always begin to doubt myself.
Question of the day: What’s your go-to mantra during a race? What are you most likely to repeat over and over again to finish strong? I’ve gotten much better but I used to battle negative thoughts all the time so I began to say “let go” (as in let go of the negativity). Sounds so silly but it really worked. I also like “if you think you can, you can. If you think you can’t, you can’t”. So true!
Good luck Kristy – voted for you!!
As for mantras…I honestly can’t remember what I repeated a billion times in my last marathon! It may have been something really simple like, I will do this. I may have also used, Pain is inevitable suffering is optional. I used to sing a certain song over and over again in my head – that helped too. In half marathons, I like to count to 12, grouped into 3s.
I have a couple favorite race mantras:
For shorter races: “Leave it all on the pavement” This reminds me to not hold back.
For longer races, I think “The faster I run, the faster I’m done” For some reason, this helps me. 🙂
I’m thinking of trying a 2 week taper this year too! I also hate the three week lag time. I’m curious to see how yours goes!
Hmm, my go to mantras vary, but lately I like ” you’re stronger than you think you are” “push” “you’ve got this” and “just go”
hooray for cutback weeks!
I voted, too! My mantras change depending on the race and the day for me. I usually go back to something like “I train to handle the pain” or just try to clear thoughts from my mind. Or I’ll repeat a series of 2 words like “tall, strong, smooth.”