15 miles / 2:09 / 8:36 avg pace
Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband!
Amazing canine daddy…
Uncle, brother, and brother-in-law…(Matt’s family: lots of brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, brother-in-laws, and sister-in-laws)!
Friend…(Matt doesn’t wear his collar up, he was making fun of the kiddies that do)!
And retired runner…
We are headed out to happy hour/dinner tonight!
Today’s long run was pretty unremarkable, except that it was cooler! However, my shorts were still soaked (blurry picture due to foggy lens…my camera got too close to the cold chocolate milk).
Long run plans for the weekend? I’m running easy tomorrow and then have a 11 mile marathon-paced tempo on Sunday.
I LOVE those gloves! Where did you get them?!?
Racing 5 miler tmw so putting off the long run until Mon I think unless I feel good Sun
I think in a swag bag or expo???
Have fun at happy hour and dinner!
I have 8 miles planned for tomorrow – let’s hope I get to bed early enough to wake up at 6am to run!
I have 16 miles tomorrow and I’m hoping it will be cool-ish like it was this morning! Man, I miss the cool weather!
Happy birthday to your husband!!
what a stud
Hope you guys have a fun birthday weekend!
My long runs don’t exist at this point (more on that in a later blog post). I miss long runs SO MUCH!
Maybe I missed the bog where you talked about it, but why is he a retired runner?
He’s done a marathon and a few halves but he HATES to run. He always wants to sign up for a race but then never trains and then has a miserable race experience. So he’s dubbed himself a “retired runner” 🙂
I know so many people who share Matt’s birthday. Well, except one that I don’t know in person — Patrick Ewing. Hey, I’m a Knicks fan. Of course I’d know his birthday. Now I’ll never forget his b-day. Happy Bday. Hope it was a wonderful day. (I’m behind a few days. I haven’t had time to get on between dirty diapers and baby cries).