8 miles
8:45 avg pace
It’s another beautiful day here in SF. I was so excited to run this morning. Guess who also ran?

I was thinking a lot about my training plan yesterday and realized I’m not doing many miles at goal marathon pace (GMP). I’m either running faster during speed work and tempo runs or running slower during my long runs. That needs to be fixed asap. One of the reasons I was able to PR last October was because I could run a 9:00 pace without a watch. I knew exactly what it felt like because I had spent so much time running at 9:00 pace. I need to start honing in on what 8:45 pace feels like…my breathing, my stride, etc. I don’t want to be a slave to my Garmin for 26.2 miles and constantly need to check-in and make sure I’m on pace. I definitely think this is a flaw with the FIRST training plan. Too much running faster or slower than GMP. I am going to start making some of my tempo runs at GMP, instead of half marathon pace. And a few of my long runs will be fast finish long runs, meaning the last few miles will be done at GMP.
My average pace today was GMP but I was all over the place in the early miles. I didn’t get into the groove until mile 5 or so.
Here are some pictures from my run:

I saved the best for last…the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge! I’ll get some better pics during my long run on Saturday.
Those are some long legs!
I’m super jealous of your SF run. I would LOVE to be able to run without any white stuff in my way.
Enjoy it!
Uuuuuuuugh. I am so jealous that you’re in San Francisco. I love that city so much. And I am over winter. Over it.
Yep. You’re right about miles NOT at marathon pace. You need to know what that pace feels like so that you can hone in on it on race day.