All good things must come to an end. This is true of vacation-palooza. Kauai, London, and Paris were all amazing in their own way. Kauai was active, scenic, and refreshing. London and Paris were about exploring, strolling, and marveling.
But now it’s back to normal life and checking back into it.
My body seemed to be revolting a bit on Sunday. Too many nights of drinking made my stomach churn. Too little water during the day (coupled with numerous beers at night) made my head ache from dehydration. I feel squishy too.
I’m making a conscious effort to eat better this week and stay away from this:
Evil (via)
Matt went to the grocery store in Paris to pick up wheat bread and PB so we could have a cheap and easy breakfast each morning. He came back with Speculoos; it was the only “PB” available other than Nutella. Oh my god was is delicious. We killed the entire jar in 4 days, mostly because of my compulsive need to eat spoonful after spoonful. Turns out this is available at Trader Joe’s (thanks to Jen for this finding)! I’m trying my best to not make a pit stop at TJ’s and pick up a few jars.
On Sunday I’m making a return to barre to take care of the squishy side effects of vacation-palooza. My last barre class was a few weeks before Boston and I miss it so much. Squishiness be gone!
I do feel really good about where my running is at the moment. I’m hoping to hit the mid-40s mileage-wise this week – nothing fast, just running whatever pace I want for that day.
Have you ever tried Speculoos or TJ’s Cookie Butter? It rivals PB & Co.’s White Chocolate Wonderful, which I affectionately refer to as crack. What would we do without PB or specialty butters?!
I have had the TJ’s cookie butter and it is delicious and dangerous stuff! I ate it with pretzels and on apple slices but I think it is best straight from the jar! Definitely one of those things I will not have in the house very often. Fortunately my husband loves it too, so that means I “only” eat half a jar!
Welcome back! As fun as vacations are, I always like to come back home and get my normal eating/drinking/sleeping routines back on track.
I have wanted to try Speculoos but I havent because I feel it will be too dangerous. (and I have been too lazy to make it to TJs). It sounds amazing though. Impressive mileage you have been doing for vacation!!!
I’ve never tried Speculoos, but now I’m very curious to try it!
I had to take a break from PB & Co dark chocolate dreams, white chocolate and bee’s knees. All their pb is so crazy good!
Speculoos spread is awesome because it’s literally 60% ground up butter cookies + oil + sugar. That’s it’s So, it’s ground up cookies with extra oil and sugar added! What’s not to love?
I gotta try Speculoos now. I love myself some peanut butter, almond butter, well really any butter spread. Amazing.
I’ve never had it, although I have had white chocolate wonderful, and it is amazing. Those jars disappear so fast around me, actually even regular PB isn’t safe. Vacation is fantastic but there is something comforting about being back to your regular routine (just trying to be positive here)!
oooh, I’ve seen the TJ’s version of that stuff but haven’t tried it. That might be dangerous! I can’t believe they didn’t have peanut butter in France? That’s weird? I’m sad that your vacations are over – I was having fun vicariously through you 🙂
Welcome back to Reality. So sorry that you’re vacations are OVER. I guess we all have to wake up sometime. I will totally have to try out that peanut butter. I do love the cookie butter at Trader Joe’s. I work next door to a TJ’s so that’s a bit dangerous. ;o)
So what’s next on the agenda? Races?
I haven’t tried it, but it sounds delicious!!! My body was in revolt coming back from Hawaii….it took a few days 🙂 We did the same thing for breakfast in Hawaii – went to the ABC store and loaded up on fruit and cereal to have something quick and cheap in our room.
Welcome back! Just looked up Speculoos and if the TJ’s version includes the cinnamon/nutmeg/cloves/ginger that some versions do (according to wikipedia which MUST be right), it sounds amazing. I’ll have to look for it next time I’m at TJ’s.