20 miles
9:12 avg pace
I was looking forward to this run all week, mostly because I had a goal…to run sub-9:00 min miles. I knew I could do it. But Mother Nature didn’t cooperate. I headed to my go-to place, Kelly Drive, which is always plowed. Turns out it wasn’t so plowed. I guess there was just too much snow for them to keep up with it. They were actually plowing as I ran but the bottom 2 inches were just ice/snow/slush that remained on the ground. Waaaaaah!
So this is how the run went: run fast, hit snow, run slow, run fast (yeah! no snow), hit snow, slow down ($%&^!). I included my splits below and you can see I was all over the place.
I know I’m being hard on myself – 9:12 avg pace is pretty good for all that snow. I keep reminding myself that I’m only in the 4th week of training and I have many, many long runs ahead of me 🙂
M1 – 9:58
M2 – 9:14
M3 – 9:01
M4 – 9:14
M5 – 9:03
M6 – 9:08
M7 – 9:08
M8 – 9:11
M9 – 9:07
M10 – 9:14
M11 – 9:07
M12 – 9:18
M13 – 8:58
M14 – 9:31
M15 – 9:09
M16 – 8:44
M17 – 9:00
M18 – 9:29
M19 – 9:30
M20 – 9:45
Some pics from today’s run:

Tonight is date night and Matt and I are heading to dinner. Can’t wait for much needed beer and a good meal (with dessert)!