18 miles / 2:35 / 8:37 avg pace
Today I had one of those “am I dreaming, please pinch me” runs. The weather was absolutely gorgeous (no humidity) and I felt amazing. I just ran based on feel and didn’t pay too much attention to my Garmin. The result? Basically a marathon-paced long run! Woo hoo…what a great way to start the holiday weekend!
When I wrote about my 20-miler last Friday, I neglected to tell you about my “strange man” encounter. It just didn’t fit well with the whole how-to-survive-a-bachelorette-party theme Before I get into the story, let me preface by saying I’m the most paranoid and neurotic runner I know, in terms of safety. Where I do my long runs is very safe but it’s better to be skeptical than sorry.
I was nearing the very end of my run (mile 19.5) when I got a rock in my shoe. I tried unsuccessfully to wiggle it out of the way but ended up having to stop. I was directly across from my car and my plan was to run out 0.25 miles and then back to my car to complete my 20. As I was getting the rock from my shoe, another runner past me – a male in his 50s – and asked if I was OK. I told him it was just a rock and I was fine. He then proceeds to tell me that I was keeping a good pace for him and did I want to run the remaining miles together? Now, this has happened to me before so I didn’t think the question was an odd one. I tell him that I’m literally running another 0.25 miles and then turning around, hoping that he would be like “OK, see ya later, have a nice run”. His response? “OK”!
As I was tying my shoe I was debating on whether he was a killer or a kidnapper. He didn’t seem to be (from my very brief encounter with him) and my car was right across the street. It was almost 9am so there were lots of cars around (and other runners). So I stood up and started running with him.
Me and strange man (SM): Blah, blah, it’s so hot today, blah, blah…
Me: My name is Kristy.
SM: My name is Bill.
SM: Are you married?
Me: [a little shocked at the question] Yes.
SM: Me too.
Me: Well, it’s time for me to turn around. Have a good run!
With that I started booking it back to my car. Whose follow-up question to “hi, my name is” is “are you married”? WTF? Next time I see Bill, I’m doing some unplanned speed work!
Have you ever had any “strange man” encounters? On the flip side, I have met some wonderful people while running. It’s not all bad!