22 miles / 3:07 / 8:30 avg pace
*Since I like to be exact and precise, I need to point out that my average pace is 4 seconds below goal marathon pace! 4 seconds isn’t much but I’ll take it!
And with that I’m DONE! It’s taper time!

Since I’m on an endorphin-high and thoughts are still going through my head a mile a minute, let’s stick with bullet points for today.
- My goal was to keep my splits even from the get-go. Instead of taking a few miles to warm-up and then picking it up during the middle of the run to make up time, I aimed for 8:30 splits. This helped tremendously. My energy level was consistent throughout the entire run. In fact, from mile 15 on all my splits were 8:30 or under, with the exception of my last mile (8:45 – huge hill).
- It was humid. Not crazy humid but 93% at the start.
- I ignored my (negative) thoughts during this run. Let me explain. I know at a certain point my brain is going to say “you cannot maintain this pace, you are nuts, you need to slow down, you are tired”. And most of the time I listen and obey when I still have gas in the tank. Today I only listened to my body and my Garmin and I was fine. I didn’t slow down and I wasn’t tired. I definitely had gas left for 4 more miles. Don’t get me wrong, BQing is going to be hard but I think I can do it.
- I passed a guy wearing a CamelBak on a hill. Even though it was a guy and I passed him on a hill, I didn’t feel very bad ass AT ALL. To me, the CamelBak wearers are ultramarathoners and he probably thinks my 22 miler is a walk in the park. Us marathoners only carry handheld water bottles 😉
- A guy on a bike asked me what time it was. I’m sure he saw the Garmin on my wrist a mile away and he stupidly thought that the watch could tell time. It displays 4 things at a time but time isn’t one of them. I told him my watch “doesn’t do time” and he probably thought I was nuts…or extremely lazy (sidenote: I do know where the time is on my Garmin but that would involve slowing down and switching screens which I didn’t have time for today).

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