8/21/11 (Sunday)
15 miles / 2:13 / 8:52 avg pace
Let’s recap this weekend in reverse…
Long Run
My long run was supposed to be done on Friday but with all the thunderstorms we’ve been having I was terrified of getting caught in one (especially after Meggie commented that she knew 2 people that have been struck by lightning). So I stuck close to home and did 9 easy miles. I rested on Saturday and did the LR on Sunday. I am so happy to begin my pseudo-taper this week (decreasing my overall mileage). All I have is 22 miles on Friday and then I’ll be in full blown taper mode!
So this weekend I attend the Healthy Living Summit (HLS). Don’t worry, I’m not going into a detailed description of the entire weekend. I decided to attend since it was in Philly and I thought it would be a great opportunity to meet other bloggers, although my blog is a running blog rather than a food blog. I do think I promote a healthy (balanced) lifestyle and I hope my blog inspires people to run but I’m definitely not a foodie. I don’t really get excited about food and I could easily live off pizza, cereal, peanut butter, and green beans (such an odd combo, I know). My diet is more carb heavy than most (good carbs, of course) but I’m also running a lot. I left HLS feeling like all I eat is crap! Ha! I admit I could add more veggies and fruit to my diet but I just don’t think I could get on the tempeh band wagon. It’s just not for me…and that’s OK 🙂
The sessions were very informative and I had a great time hanging out with Holly and Alli. Am I happy that I went? Absolutely!
Friday night was the HLS cocktail party at Reading Terminal Market. It was so awesome to be at RTM when it’s empty and have the entire place to ourselves (it’s generally packed with people). We were provided with 2 drink coupons which I promptly exchanged for beer. We had 2 choices for beer (sadly no Miller Lite) and we made a wise choice and went with Kenzinger. It was yummy. So yummy that me, Holly, and Alli went back for many more. Followed by a round of beers at the hotel bar. Followed by late night pizza delivered to the lobby. We laughed at how we made HLS unhealthy.

On Saturday I woke up surprisingly not hungover and was pretty pleased with myself (remember, I drink Miller Lite, which is like drinking water). And then around 2pm it hit me…the delayed hangover. Ugh, I HATE the delayed hangover. You get this false sense of phew I made it only to get slapped in the face with a hangover 10x worse.

I came home Saturday night and went to bed at 8:30. I was amazed I was able to get up and run 15 on Sunday morning.
Ever experience the delayed hangover?
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Haha, I had a feeling if I ever went to a HLS that I’d walk away feeling like I ate crap too. 🙂 At least we run WAY more than most of those chicks! I can’t imagine running 50+ miles a week and then getting excited about quinoa and chia seed smoothies.
I had a fantastic time with you this weekend and I can’t wait to plan our next meet up! Maybe after your marathon?? 🙂
Your blog TOTALLY inspires me and is way more exciting than food blogs with endless bowls of oatmeal! I’m sure I’d feel like an unhealthy cow if I went too (but I am secretly super curious and dying to see if it’s a contest over who eats the least/healthiest.) Thunder storms are scary – good job on the run though! Never had a delayed hangover….lame!
I agree the delayed hangover is the worst!
I eat pretty terribly myself and I’m sure many of us do as well!
Delayed hangovers are definitely the worse bc they hit you mid-day. I’d almost prefer to have one in the morning which just gives me the chance to sleep it off!
I feel like sometimes you just have to eat crappy. We still should be able to digest whatever it is we decide to put in our bodies right =) I figure an 80/20 ratio of good/bad is what I shoot for!
Sorry about the hangover…. BOO.
Go check out my giveaway. -Jen
Delayed hangover hmm I don’t think so…
But, wow! You’re almost there (marathon)!
Girl, I am so on the same boat as you. I’ve read some of the healthy blogs and good for them, but yeah, I need pizza with sausage or meatballs. I think we’ll get a long really well when I meet you in November. Though, we might fight over that last piece of the pizza pie (I added pie as a joke).
No, I never get a delayed hangover. When I drink too much, I am all about puking. I once got so drunk after a few martinis. I came home, slept on the couch b/c my husband didn’t come with and I did not want to piss him off with my drunkness. He told me to come to bed at 4am. I puked. He got up to shower and I couldn’t get into the bathroom, I dry heaved in the trash (classy), i dry heaved on my way to work 10x, threw up at work… they sent me home. HAHAHA I no longer do Thirsty Thursdays.
Considering I can finish half a pie, we just might have to duke it out 😉
As for the puking, I have so been there. After my 21st birthday, I puked in class (technically it was lab but I heaved into the trashcan and had to carry it out). So gross, right???!!!
Glad to see SOMEONE talked about yakking before I commented. I’ve woken up the next morning, maybe at 8 or 9 and felt good, then around noon I needed to puke. I’m ashamed to admit this happened as recently as last spring… I didn’t think I had that much; I blame it on too much variety in my beverages the previous evening.
I thought about going to HLS since it was right here…but wasn’t sure what my plans were going to be that weekend when tickets went on sale. I decided the money saved on the fee could instead be used for a race registration (Philly half in November!)
Full disclosure: I’ve made quinoa as a side several tiems, but I have never tried tempeh or chia seeds.
Yeah, that has happened to me too. I hate that you get this false sense that you made it, only to get hit hours later!
I actually really like quinoa! No chia seeds for me either.