Since I’ve been rather verbose lately, I’ll keep this short and sweet.
Race fees are expensive, so is it too much to ask for a race T that fits?! My pile of ill-fitting race Ts is growing. I get the appeal of a unisex size – it’s much easier to order and cheaper. When I see that sizes are unisex I generally get a XS. What usually happens is this…

I end up with a Youth XL, which is wide and short (this one was just large in general and oddly tight on my neck). I will never wear this shirt!
But sometimes, they get it right (thank you Philly RnR Half). This is a proper unisex XS…

Is the word “Boston” everywhere or is it because I’m obsessed? Last week my neighbor asked how my marathon went. He was wearing a Boston T-shirt (kinda of ironic). I went food shopping on Monday and there was a song about Boston playing. I saw a truck the other day and all it said on the back was “Boston”. I’m going crazy and I need to know NOW!
I’m still eating like I’m running 50 miles a week. I may need an intervention or that LVM shirt will fit me. Thankfully the “fun run” period is almost over and then it’s back to training.
What are your feelings on race Ts? For the amount of money we pay, I think they should have women’s sizes.