The “it” in that title is my right hamstring. It’s still pretty tight. So tight that I only ran a whopping 6 miles last week (on Thursday). I was pretty sore after the Philly Half so I didn’t run Monday to Wednesday. When I ran on Thursday my hamstring wasn’t painful, just really tight. I felt it with each stride. I was hoping that it would eventually loosen up but no such luck.
Even though it killed me, I took Friday to Sunday off from running. RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) was the name of the game those days, along with lots of foam rolling (FRICE?).
I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t worried. I’m not in freak out mode yet because I’m not in pain. But, something is making my right hammie feel like a rubber band pulled too tight (overstriding is my guess, despite my attempts to correct it). This has been happening off and on since the Philly RnR Half in September. Thankfully, I’m seeing someone different this week for ART (finally bit the bullet and scheduled an appointment with a PT; I didn’t feel like the chiropractor was helping me). I’m hoping we can devise a plan to nip this in the bud. Boston training starts 5 weeks from today and I need to get my base back to where it was 3 weeks ago.
Funny thing is I took a yoga class yesterday and was fine. From my description you would think I could barely touch my toes. Just the opposite was true.

Enough with the Debbie Downer stuff…I didn’t sulk the entire weekend! I was quite productive: a little (online) shopping, decorated the house for Christmas, figured out my training plan for Boston, etc. I have a lot more time on my hands when I’m not running.

Ever have hamstring troubles?
Do you get a real or fake tree? I find that people have strong feelings on this, which I think is funny. I grew up in a fake tree house, so I guess that’s what I’m used too. A real tree would drive me crazy with all the needles falling everywhere!