Happy Monday, folks! I’m struggling a bit this morning. I could blame it on Daylight Savings but it’s more likely due to Saturday night fun (yes, I went out)! Before I get to that, let’s talk running!
I “only” had to do 15 miles for my long run this weekend so I made them speedy. I had a great MP run on Tuesday so I wanted to push the number of miles at MP up a bit with my long run. The result? 15 miles in 2:06 (8:24 average pace). Success! I started with a 1-mile warm up, then 13 miles at MP (8:20), and a 1-mile cool down.
8:18, 8:29 (hill), 8:13, 8:14, 8:21, 8:22, 8:28 (hill), 8:21, 8:20, 8:16, 8:15, 8:14, 8:16
I want to say these miles felt as effortless as they did on Tuesday but they didn’t. I was running into a brutal headwind most of the time and my allergies were awful. I’m happy that I was able to maintain MP despite all that though.
Saturday night was a much anticipated night out. We made these plans months ago. Most of my friends have babies so getting everyone together (both the guys and girls) is tough. It was also the Erin Express, Philly’s Irish bar crawl. I was an enthusiastic Erin Express participant multiple times in my 20s…you are pretty much drunk by 4pm and just plain obnoxious. We wanted to avoid any bar with Erin Expressers at all costs. By the time we met up, the sea of green youngins were dwindling and we snagged a table at Oh! Shea’s. We were there for awhile before moving onto another bar.
Matt and I got home at 2am (technically it was 3am – damn Daylight Savings). Sunday was an intentional rest hangover day for me and I needed it. I have no idea how I used to do this every weekend. Youth, I guess.
Ever do a St. Patty’s Day bar crawl? My last Erin Express was when I was 28. I think we were too old then. I do love celebrating SPD though.
Do you plan your rest days around your social life? I used to all the time. My lack of social life right now affords me lots of flexibility with rest days Years ago, rest days were strictly scheduled around my Saturday night shenanigans.
So–cial life? What’s that? Is that when you go on runs with friends? Because that’s mine, so no I don’t have to plan rest days around that. 🙂
Great job on that 15 miles speedster!
I didn’t plan my rest day around my social life this weekend, and ended up paying for it! I was scheduled for 10 miles on Sunday, which maybe wasn’t the smartest idea, especially since we had a friend visiting us for the weekend. Saturday evening ended up as a very long night, spent mostly on my feet. Because I’m working from home this week, I was able to postpone my long run until Monday morning. Thank goodness, or I might have been in for a lot of suffering. 🙂
I would say these days I plan my social life around my rest days, though when I know something big like a birthday (or St Patty’s Day) is coming up, I’ll do my best to tweak my training schedule accordingly. I do think it’s important to make time for non-running related fun, though, if only to let your friends know you’re still alive. Very nice job on the long MP run!
Same here – I used to plan rest days around my social life, not as much anymore, but it still happens sometimes. I went to one bar crawl ever, and I’ll never do that again. I am going out for St. Pattys Day this year though!
I do long runs on Saturday mornings so I can be fun on Sat nights. love Sunday rest days!
Too funny. Yes, I used to plan rest days around Saturday night shenanigans as well! I really don’t know how I used to do that all the time. I gave up drinking for lent so no St. Patricks Day bar crawls for me!
congrats on going out! hehe. I think I would need days to recover form a St. Patty’s bar crawl, no joke. I have no idea how I did it so often years ago either. Glad you had fun though, that’s the important thing! And, nice running 🙂
Oh the Erin Express….memories 🙂 I’m the same, I’m pretty old and boring now! Glad you had fun and great job on the 15 miler!
You look so pretty! Great speedy run on Saturday!
Do I plan rest days around social life? Kind of… I’m more like, ‘Hmm.. oh yeah, let’s do a big dinner that night since I’m running xx miles that morning!” Perrrrfect.
I used to drink… A LOT… Now, not so much. I used to drink a glass of wine every night, but then I ran out and never made it to the wine depot. HAHAAHHA
I LOVE BEER in the SUMMERTIME. OH, and I love beer with pizza. Classy.
Great long run! MP long runs are the best 🙂 I do plan runs around my social life. Although as long as I don’t need to get up early I don’t need to care too much. This weekend was brutal though. Drank Thurs, Fri and Sat. Since I DID switch my schedule around my tempo was on Sunday but it ended up actually not being bad at all…maybe bc I slept til 3pm! Eek! I don’t get you early morning runners 😛
Not sure I’ve ever known anyone to actually board the Erin Express 🙂 Glad you survived!
Nope, never done a bar crawl. I’m not sure that would go well for me as after 2 drinks, I’m dunzo!
Not a drinker so no bar crawl for me. I’m sure I would be done after one drink though. My social life revolves around my running. Sad, but true. Actually not that sad as I can’t stay past midnight on weekends anyways. I like going out but I also like waking up to run and then getting the day started out right. Where’s the balance? 🙂 Awesome paces by the way!
We rarely go out, & when we do, we’re in bed by 11 (at the VERY latest). We’re party animals. But, the kids wake up at 6:30 or earlier every day, so it’s just punishing if I stay up later than that.
I haven’t done a St. Patty’s day bar crawl since college. Now in NYC, I avoid the bars like the plague on that day. It’s such a crazy day and honestly, I feel about 100 years older than everyone else at the bar that day.
I do plan my long runs around certain social activities – like weddings or big nights out. Otherwise, I sort of just roll with the punches and run later, or run slower and then plan on packing in more speed on the weekday runs.
Since having two little ones I basically plan my runs around naps and husband availability 🙂
Great job with the MP, even despite the winds and allergies! Was really struggling this week too, not sure if daylight savings has to do with it – hoping for more success this weekend!