15 miles / 2:13 / 8:52 avg pace
Catchy title, huh? I’m sure wannabe vampires will now be directed to my blog. I always keep it real on RTLR and today I’m going to show you the ugly side of marathon training. If you have a weak stomach, you’ve been warned. If you love gruesome stuff like me, then you are in for a treat.
Right before mile 6 I have to cross this wooden plank bridge. It’s not my favorite part of my long run since it’s high (I hate heights) and I’m scared of tripping on one of the planks. So I generally run across the bridge no slower than 8:30 pace so I can get it over with and reduce the risk of tripping. Here’s a picture of the bridge:
It’s super narrow and you can only go as fast as the people in front of you. Today I got stuck behind a Team in Training group and we were going slow (10:30-11:00 pace). I had to change my stride and I could feel that my feet were shuffling. See where I’m going with this!? Of course I trip over a plank and fall on my right knee. After I crossed the bridge I took a peek at the damage. Blood was running down my knee and it was more of a gash than a scrap. My knee felt fine so I finished my run (another 9 miles). I did make a pit stop to clean up the wound. The damage…nice and close for ya:
I got home and showered but the gash wouldn’t close and it kept bleeding. I figured I needed a few stitches and a tetanus shot. So on our way to DC (for a wedding) we made a pit stop at Bryn Mawr Hospital. I ended up with 2 stitches and a tetanus shot. The PA said that since the gash was over a joint it would probably open up when I ran so a few stitches would be the way to go. Good times.
The aftermath. It feels fine now but the bruising is setting in.
I think I’m OK to still dance tonight 🙂
I fall all the time when I run. I’m pretty klutzy. Last year I fell while running down the shore (see scar to the right on my knee).
Have you ever tripped or fallen on a run? Got any battle wounds?
Yuck! Glad you went to the hospital for stitches. I would have probably thought I could go without them and then it would be a mess. I’ve been lucky with no falls during runs but if there is any chance of ice on the road I won’t go near it!!
Ewwwwwww. Nothing a little beer at the wedding tonight won’t cure!
Great pace on your run though, despite the fall!
I fell in February of 2010, on an icy patch. Fell forward and stopped myself with my right hand. I got it x-rayed about a month after I fell because it hurt and they said there was no fracture or anything. But it still feels off and I can’t do pushups, so I know something is wrong with it.
Hardcore! I’ve had stitches on my knee before (mole removal) so I”m going to say ahead of time that I feel your pain when those suckers start itching in a few days! Great job finishing the run anyway, I love that 🙂
Girl you are hardcore for finishing your run! That is certainly a nasty injury, but once again you prove yourself by getting your groove on later tonight 😉
I once had a rollerblading accident where I attempted to stop near a knee high stone wall and crashed into instead. That left a nasty gash that needed stitches too!
Yeesh! I’ve only had stitches once, but they came out and I had to have them put back in, so maybe that counts as twice? Anyways, you are mega hardcore!
Oh youch! Glad you were able to get to the doctor and get your shot/stitches. Gnarly bruise!
How’s the wound? Reminds me of my fall on Forbidden Drive. No stitches needed but I had to look a little nutty running the last 5 miles of an 18-miler with blood running down knee! Hope you were still able to dance the night away.
Your poor knee!! I’m so sorry about your fall and your injury, but I cannot believe you ran 9 miles on that. I might’ve taken it as an excuse to cut my run short. You are definitely hardcore 🙂 I’m glad you were able to get stitches and I hope it heals quickly!
oh no!! i’m so sorry, hope your knee is better 🙁 i fall all the time too – fell on my right knee on my last trail race, and i slipped on ice last winter and got the most massive bruise on my butt (good thing there was padding to break my fall!). not fun!
I wanted to comment yesterday on your entry, but never got a chance too. So sorry about your fall – and BTW, I am a huge Klutz. I bump into walls all the time. One time, I walked into a wheelchair. Fortunately it was just a wheelchair in the hallway. And if I’m not bumping or falling into things, I am constantly spilling things on myself. My husband’s nickname for me is “Crumbs”.
I know this is probably not appropriate to say, but you actually look great in that picture at the hospital. If that were me, I’d look like a hot mess. And by hot, I mean gross and sweaty…
OH and I wanted to add — WOW on the 15-mile run add pace. I smell a BQ/PR…
Thanks! I was able to shower before we went to the hospital 🙂
Hey, running’s not supposed to be a contact sport…
From the looks of your speed workout today, maybe that doc put something bionic in your knee before he put the stitches on.
Hope it’s feeling better.
I know, right? I think I’m the only person to make it a contact sport!
Omg, the wound looks terrible. Thanks god, only 2 stitches were enough!