A quick recap of weeks 6 and 7…since I just finished up week 8!
8 miles with 5×800 (goal 7:20 pace/3:40) with 400 recovery: 3:40, 3:45, 3:37, 3:37, 3:39
It’s been so long I don’t remember anything remarkable about this run, except that the 3:45 pissed me off.
AM: 4 easy miles (no Garmin)
1/2 hour barre
PM: 2 easy miles at run club (no Garmin)
7 easy miles with strides (no Garmin)
Rest! And we spent the day in Wildwood, NJ! It rained most of the day but cleared up long enough to hit the boards. Fiona’s first boardwalk and ride experience – she loved it!
10 miles with 6 miles at GMP (8:30-8:40): 8:29, 8:22, 8:46, 8:25, 8:21, 8:36
Oh, I remember this run! I got a Garmin 220 the end of last year and (for the most part) love it. But recently the GPS keeps getting “stuck” and won’t budge. The 8:22 and 8:45 splits are not accurate. My Garmin was stuck on 8:22 so I slowed down. It never budged. Then because I slowed down it went to 8:45 and never budged…even though I sped up. So frustrating. I never had GPS issues with my 305.
16 miles at 9:20 average pace
I took in 500 calories – 300 calories of Tailwind and 200 calories of Shot Bloks.
6 recovery miles at 10:05 average pace
An easy run along Forbidden Drive.
53 miles total for week 6.
This was the week where Mother Nature got me big time. Four consecutive days of dew points in the low 70s and I was toast! I won’t bother you with a day-by-day recap – there was a lot of cursing and just general frustration.
Monday to Thursday
Each day was oppressively humid. I would start out each run with the intention of doing some sort of speed work but failed miserably each time and switched to easy running.
30 miles of easy running – done and done!
Rest! And more shore fun (we went to my parents’ house).
sprinkler fun
18 miles: 6 miles WU, 6 miles at GMP (8:30-8:40), 6 miles CD
GMP miles:
8:49 – hill
9:06 – big uphill. I maintained GMP effort and was pretty pleased since I generally run this mile with this hill in 9:35.
Finally, some redemption! I have to be honest though…those last 6 miles post-GMP were rough! But the silver lining is that the GMP miles felt great.
I took in 700 calories – 400 from Tailwind and 300 from Shot Bloks.
7 recovery miles at 10:00 average pace.
55 miles total for week 7.
Noticeably absent? Prehab and strength training. It’s been a busy few weeks and, while that’s not a good excuse, it’s always the first to go. I didn’t do so well during week 8 either (hangs head in shame)!
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