My Garmin Does What?!
So last week I wrote about pace smoothing on my Garmin 305. I’m still a bit peeved that my (instant) pace jumps around so much, even when I have it set to the “most” smooth. So I did a little research and found that lap pace is more accurate (i.e., your average pace within that lap/mile). This wasn’t a huge shock…I have heard of this before. But the huge light bulb moment was when I realized you could customize your display! For real?! I had this watch for 2 years and I’m just realizing this now? I cannot wait to try this out on tomorrow’s LR. I customized it to have distance, time, (instant) pace, and lap pace. I do like having (instant) pace on there to ensure I don’t go out too fast, even if it is a little off. By the way, I re-set my pace smoothing to “least”.

Grrrr, Brooks Adrenaline GTS
Dear Brooks, I’m a devoted wearer of your Adrenaline GTS shoe and have been so for the past 10 years. But why oh why did you decide to use these fancy shoelaces that clearly are not functional. I always double knot my laces and during 3 of my last 4 runs these stupid laces have come undone (this has NEVER happened with any of my prior Adrenalines). I cannot afford to waste time during my marathon retying my shoes!!! Yes, they are a cute purple color but they suck. Please go back to the boring old white laces that stay knotted.

Keep On Voting
Thank you for voting for RTLR for CBS Philly’s Most Valuable Blogger Awards! Keep those votes coming (you can vote once per day here). Many of you asked if I know what place I am in. I don’t 🙁 Very little information was given and I assume I won’t know anything until September 9 when the contest ends.
Question: Do you wear Brooks Adrenaline GTS? Did you notice anything funny with the laces? I’m going to have to swap out these fancy laces with an old pair for my marathon.
What does your Garmin display look like? Did you customize it?
I just busted out my new pair of Adrenalines the other day and they had boring white laces. I’m still wearing the GTS 11, is it the new 12s that have the laces? I’ll make sure to keep my old laces when I upgrade. 🙂
My Garmin has so many functions that go unused. Have you ever tried the little trainer dude? You can set it up that you’re racing this little stick figure.
I have never raced the stick figure for fear that he would kick my ass!
Oh no, I just bought a new pair of the Brooks Ravenna 2 with the new pretty blue laces. I’ve only used them once so hard to say if they will come undone. Do you have any old pairs with the laces still in them, I’ve switched out laces before for that same reason!
I need someone to dummy down the Garmin for me. Usually, when we get new gadgets, Pedro schools me on how to use it. But since he’s not a runner, I have to do it on my own. Of course, I’ve had my Garmin 305 for 3 years and for my birthday this past June, he surprised me with the Garmin 405. I was in the middle of giving birth so I never really got to read the instruction manual — needless to say, I wear the damn thing and don’t know how to start it. LOL
I can’t believe you didn’t know that about garmin! You can custimize 3 different screens! The one I use the most has: lap time; current pace (i think what you refer to as instant pace); last lap pace and lap distance. My main screen as time (total running time), average pace and distance. Then I have one screen that has: avg HR; HR; avg lap and time of day.
So many choices!
my issue with my brooks adrenalines is not the laces but the shoe size. i got an 8, as always, and it fits SMALLER. this is literally like my 10th pair. i am super bummed.
Voted for you of course. Ugh i hate when the shoes change. It totally sucks and pisses me off to know end. then i have to do a mad dash to find the old ones. Same thing happened with my Brooks Trances, seriously if it is not broken, don’t fix it! Can you just replace the laces?
I am an Asics Kayano girl myself but I hate when they take something that is TOTALLY working and change it up to something that is not working.
I definitely haven’t figured out all the bells and whistles on my Garmin and I’ve had it for almost a year! Shame on me.
Definitely change those laces! I just got my Garmin and am just figuring all that stuff out – so, nope, no customization to it!
Have you considered that you may be tying your shoes wrong. I used to have to double-knot my shoes and then I saw this on Runner’s World.,7120,s6-240-319–13001-0,00.html
I still occasionally have a lace come untied, but it is rare. It seems to happen more in the rain for some reason.
I wear Brooks Adrenaline’s and don’t notice anything funky with the laces – that’s so weird you’ve been having such problems! I love those shoes.
No idea on how/if I can customize my Garmin 410 because the display isn’t as big as yours. I’ve had a different color Adrenalines and they have white laces and light blue/white color shoe. I haven’t had problems with the laces but sometimes the tongues slide down! I love them though and I am buying a new pair tomorrow!! YAY!