I definitely have this not working thing down pat. What day is it? Does it really matter? Every day feels like Saturday!
I’m pretending this is my normal lifestyle – a lady who lunches – in order to avoid the reality of work come Tuesday. Let’s review the last 24 hours…
7:45AM – a glorious 5 mile run, although cold (41:14 / 8:15 avg pace).
10:30AM – my last PT session. I graduated! I’ve been going faithfully twice a week for the past 4 weeks. My hamstring feels strong and I haven’t had a twinge of tightness in 4 weeks. I no longer need the ART so I can just continue my exercises at home. I must give a huge shout-out to Excel Physical Therapy (Villanova location) and my PT Desirae. I highly recommend her and Excel.
1:00PM – lunch with Ann and Sara. I coached Ann and Sara for the Philly RnR Half this past September (easiest coaching gig ever – both are seasoned half marathoners). They took me to lunch to thank me! Thanks ladies! My goal during lunch was to convince them to run a full (Ann’s 2nd full and Sara’s 1st). I think Ann is on board; we just need to work on Sara 😉

7:00PM – coffee with Beth. This was a total surprise. Beth texted me in the morning and said she would be in the area. I’ve been friends with Beth since 1st grade and she is my pseudo sister-in-law. She is married to Matt’s brother. So we married into the same family (duh). It’s awesome, having your best friend at all the family parties. And no, Matt and I did not set-up Beth and his brother. Ages ago, when I first started dating Matt, we all ended up at the same bar one night. I merely introduced Beth to Matt’s brother and the rest is history 🙂
7:30AM – 10 mile “long” run (1:26 / 8:36 avg pace). I’ve been alternating between 10 and 13 miles on Saturdays. Beginning next week, it’s only 13 miles and up!
And…tonight Matt and I are seeing The Nutcracker and going to dinner. Yes, I could get used to this!
Plans for NYE? I loathe NYE…highly overrated. We are hanging in and I’ll probably be asleep before midnight.