7 miles
*2 x (6x400m in 1:42). This is a tough workout. Avg pace for the first set was 1:36, and second set, 1:37. I was happy to be able to consistently beat a 1:42 on each lap.
Last night I attended the Lululemon R&D Party at the new King of Prussia store. The KOP store just opened and the party celebrated its opening and also honored their R&D members. They really went all out — food, candy, beer, wine, and lots of interesting people to meet.
The KOP store front. Taken from both angles because it’s awesome.
The food spread.
The even better candy spread. Practically all of my favorites lined up in a row!
I got the opportunity to meet the rest of the KOP staff and some amazing R&D members. I love talking with people who turned their passion into their career (something I will do some day…soon!). Since I started my running coach business just a few months ago, I’m still very much a newbie with the whole starting-your-own-business thing. I got the opportunity to talk with some knowledgeable people and got some great advice. Oh, and lots of running talk too!
The best part of the night? My photo shoot! Yes, photo shoot. Lululemon had a photographer set up outside the store to take action shots of the R&D members.
I got to run (more like skip) across the white background and tried my best to exude care-free running. At first, I felt like a complete dork. The other R&D members were doing cool yoga poses and here I was skipping and trying to look normal. But if you know me, you know I love a good photo shoot so I eventually warmed up and found my groove. I promise to post the pictures as soon as I have them. I cannot wait to see how they turned out.
Thank you Lululemon KOP for a fabulous night!
This looks amazing – I love Luluemon! And I want that candy! 🙂 Okay, stupid question – what does R&D stand for? I could only think of research and development but not sure that’s right…
I guess I should have explained that…yup research and development!
Your own photo shoot sounds awesome, I would totally use it to my advantage. What is R&D though? Sorry probably dumb question. The candy bar looks delicious. Getting your 400m times only one second off from each other is awesome!
Sorry, research and development! Congrats on yet another ultra yesterday!!!!!!
Sounds like an awesome event!! And so cool that you had your own photo shoot! Can’t wait to see the pictures.
The new store looks so awesome! I can’t wait to visit it sometime, but I better prepare myself to spend some $ ! I’ve never been in a Lululemon store, so I’m glad there is one at KOP now 🙂
love, love, love the store design! and lulu parties are usually pretty fun – looks like you had a great time!
one of my favorite activities is trying on new stuff at our store! 😉
Wow. That Lulu store looks awesome! If I had an unlimited shopping budget… Lululemon would OWN me.
Can’t wait to see those action pics! They sound sweet!
I didn’t realize how new your running coach business is!
I can’t wait to see the Lululemon pictures of you skipping 🙂
What a fun looking store front! I tried on the willpower shorts, per your recommendation. I liked them! And there was another pair I loved (i forget which), but I had to resist and not buy any new ones!
You should do a blog post on your coaching business. I’d be interested in hearing who you are coaching and how it’s going. Maybe you can start profiling some of your runners if they are open to the idea? It’d be fun for us to hear about!
yes i agree! post on your coaching 🙂
Will do!
Was it the All Sport Short? http://shop.lululemon.com/products/clothes-accessories/women-shorts-skirts-and-dresses/Run-All-Sport-Short-80023?cc=9151&skuId=3421222&catId=women-shorts-skirts-and-dresses I noticed them last night and they look awesome too!
That’s a really good idea. I will definitely add it to my “things to blog about” list!
Candy spread – whats not to love?
this is soo cool. why is there not one by me, how did you find out about this?
I’m a Research & Development member and received an invitation via email. R&D members are typically fitness instructors, personal trainers, or in my case, a running coach! Basically anyone with a certification.