One month until D-day! Of course I have visions of going early and everything going seamlessly. Or…I’ll still be waddling along after the New Year. I have to think positive, right?
On Thanksgiving I ran my first Turkey Trot ever. Usually I use Thanksgiving as a rest day, sleep in “late”, and refuel with mashed potatoes. Since my mileage is scarce these days (see below), I figured it was worth trotting 3.1 miles before the mashed potato refuel. And who can turn down a race called the Gobble Wobble at 9 months pregnant?!
This 5K is extremely popular (I believe it was the 30th anniversary this year?) and well organized. It’s also a 5K you don’t want to race (see below). You are better off doing it as a fun run with family…which seemed to be what most folks were doing (at least in the back of the pack anyway).
I cringe over my finish time – 34:16 (11:00 average pace) – when, just 2 short weeks ago, I ran an 8K at 10:30 average pace. Maybe I missed my running buddy Sara? Or maybe it was this –
There was no way I was running up that hill. It was a gradual climb that never ended. I sucked it up and walked. Ouch…my pride hurt more than my shins did during that mile.
photographic proof of my wobbling (check out my shadow!)
My mileage continues to dwindle the bigger I get. Right now I’m averaging anywhere from 15-22 miles per week. And that includes 2 days of walking. I can only run 3 times a week and no more than 6 miles. My shins can’t handle the extra weight…and the last thing I want to do is risk a stress fracture. I space my runs out to allow ample rest time in between. For now, that works. In the wise words of Lauren Fleshman (whose pregnancy posts I love), “since I decided to opt out of any kind of heroic pregnancy training plan, it doesn’t bother me to only run 4-5 days a week, and take walk breaks now and then. Except for those times when it really bothers me.” I could not agree more with the last part.
Gobble Wobble – I love it! Especially when pregnant 🙂 I think it’s awesome that you are doing as much running as you are! Good luck in your final weeks!!!
Good job! I think that’s a pretty good pace considering you’re carrying another person around. :^)
I can’t believe you are already 9 months! I feel like I just read the “I’m Pregnant” post. (I’m sure it feels slow for you though).
Congrats on wobbling at the Wobble successfully!
You are doing great! I am sure it must be hard to run when you are running for two!
You are looking great! 🙂 Such an inspiration. I’m pregnant too. 10 weeks! 🙂
Kristy, you look amazing! Love that attitude you’ve kept towards running during your pregnancy. Can’t believe you only have one month left!! 🙂
You look amazing, I can’t believe you are already 9 months!
Best name for a race ever – especially at 9 months pregnant! Congratulations!! That’s such an awesome accomplishment that will be fun to tell baby about someday.
We are almost there!!
Awesome race name. You look great, can’t believe you’re 35 weeks (or I guess 36 weeks as of my comment).
I know this is an old post, but I stumbled up on your blog when looking up running during IVF. So inspired at how active you were during your pregnancy! I’m going through IVF right now and hope I’m half as active during my (hopefully) upcoming pregnancies. You rock!