6 miles / 56:21 / 9:23 avg pace
My running has been pretty boring lately. Training for the Philly Half is just…there. I much prefer running HMs as tune-up races for marathons or for fun. Solely training for one…is just blah.
So instead of boring you with the details of this morning’s 6-miler, I had to come up with some new material. Without further adieu, things I don’t get…
- Hawk repeatedly eats things he is not suppose to and then throws up later on. Grass, baskets, seashells, etc. Then, the next day, he does the same thing. How does he not see the pattern here?
- Gaper delays. People complain about traffic but then slow down for a fender bender or gawk as someone gets pulled over. It’s not that interesting; keep moving.
- Women that run with their hair down. How does that not drive you crazy? I see a woman on my way to work that always runs with her hair down. I want to pull over and offer her a hair band.
- School bus stops. Why are they so frequent? Can’t all the kids from a single neighborhood congregate at a single corner so just 1 stop could be made?! Why must the bus stop at every block and pick up 1 kid?
- Blog traffic. Why are my page views sometimes higher on days I don’t post?
- Mullets. Are they back in style? I’ve seen quite a few of them lately.

What things don’t you get? Share something! Have you ever had a mullet?
I HOPE mullets are not back in style (and is it a coincidence that you and I have mullet Mario Lopez photos on our blogs within weeks of each other?)!
Here’s what I don’t get: why certain library members think treating the librarians like dirt will get them better service. All it makes me want to do is retreat into apathetic civil servant mode. Also don’t get: parents who do their kids’ homework for them. Yesterday a woman showed up at the reference desk to get books and articles for the paper her 9th grade daughter had been procrastinating on and was due today. I suspect I know who ended up writing that paper (she actually jokingly asked if I would). I say, let her fail–it will teach her not to do it again.
Ooh, that was a mini-rant, on your blog. Sorry, Kristy! But you did ask. :^) Off for my own 6-miler!
I’ll never understand why anyone preferred Zack over Slater. Rawr.
There is this (amazing) runner in my run club who wears her hair down and it drives me BANANAS! Her hair is so long, curly, and full and she even has those 80’s curled bangs that she has to style just right….I just don’t get it. Different strokes for different folks I guess!
Why I am terrified of flying. Why people don’t enjoy tapering (I haven’t started tapering yet, but I don’t mind it). Why people run or play tennis with hair down is beyond me.
This is timely for me as I was a cool 25 minutes late to work. Why…you might ask quietly to yourself? Because in the HOV lanes (which are separate and apart from the actual bridge traffic) had an accident. I assumed that the span of the bridge itself must SURELY have an accident too considering my delay was several miles long. SOMEONE had to have a steel bar through their head, right?
NO. Lookie loos only I wanted to punch someone. Hard.
totally agree about the hair down and the bus stops!! my neighborhood is not very big and there’s a bus stop on each corner. what makes me even angrier are the parents that drive their kids to the bus stop when they live 3 houses away!! and then wait for said kid at the end of the day in their car. these are kids – i think they’ll be okay walking less than halfway down the street to get home. okay, now you’ve got me fired up!! 😉
Yes!!! I don’t understand why people run with their hair down. It would be soooooo annoying!
I do not get traffic jams that appear out of nowhere and then suddenly clear up…no traffic, no accident, just volume?
Gahh!! I love that you posted a pic of A.C. Slater. Saved By the Bell <3
oops, that was supposed to say *no construction, no accident, just volume.
Haha- this post made me laugh. Mullets seem to be the ‘i’m trying to be funny’ hair do with hipsters/young kids today…it really needs to go away!
That blog traffic thing happens on my blog too. I have recently posted very infrequently and yet i have higher weekly traffic. what gives?
running with hair down also blows my mind.
+1 to the running with hair down! I cannot fathom how people can stand it! Also, I just stumbled upon your blog and I like it! Belated congrats on that BQ! 🙂
Hahaha nothing worse than getting stuck behind the school bus in the morning!
OMG people that run with their hair down! I can’t handle it. It must be so uncomfortable.
And, if mullets were back in I’d consider that a great thing. I would be able to practice all of the mullet names – femullet (female mullet), meximullet, etc. business in the front, party in the back… i kind of love mullets.
Oh… I cannot STAND when women run with their hair down. What is that about??? Hilarious.
I’ve determined there is no rhyme or reason to the blog traffic debate. Pondering it will only drive you crazy!
along with the bus stops… why do parents have to drive their kids to the bus stops. they arent far and the kids are teenagers, i think they can handle it.