On Monday I posted this on Pinterest (please follow me and then teach me all about Pinterest because I have no clue):
I follow this about 99.9% of the time but it’s ironic that on Tuesday morning I crapped out on my last tempo mile. The plan was to run 10 miles with 4 miles around MP and 4 miles around 7:45 pace. The 4 MP miles were easy, and we (my neighbor was running with me) averaged around 8:05 pace…so faster than MP (maybe that was my downfall?). The next miles (7:45 pace) were harder but doable. We came up on a section of trail that was flooded so we moved over to run on the muddy grass and it slowed us down. Once I transitioned back onto the paved trail I could not pick up the pace again. My legs didn’t want to move any faster. I cried uncle and did a 2-mile cool down instead. At least I was able to get in 3 miles at 7:45ish pace.
I’m not a robot and have to throw in the towel sometimes. It did bother me that I didn’t get that last mile in but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter.
So I can’t NOT talk about The Bachelor season finale. I can’t believe I gave up an hour of sleep to watch it (on the plus side, I need to visit Switzerland immediately!). I kinda had a feeling he would choose Courtney. Courtney did seem really excited about the ring – errr, proposal. “It feels so heavy on my hand, Ben.” That’s a completely normal statement seconds after getting engaged, right?
Boston Week 10 Recap
MON: 8 easy
TUE: 11 tempo with 10 miles at MP – this was an awesome, confidence-boosting run!
WED: 8 easy
THU: 8 easy with 5 long hill repeats
FRI: rest
SAT: 15 with 13 miles at MP – another good run!
SUN: rest
50 miles total and the taper is within my reach! 2 1/2 weeks of hard work left and then I get to rest my legs. I really can’t believe Boston will be here so soon. I’m starting to freak out a bit and get excited!
Do you give up easily on training runs or races? I don’t on training runs but if I’m having a bad race day and I know I won’t PR, I will sometimes throw in the towel. It’s a terrible habit thinking that a PR is the most important thing. You can learn so much from bad races.
If you watched The Bachelor, gimme your thoughts!