18 miles (12 outside / 6 treadmill)
2:38 total time
8:48 average pace
It’s freezing here. The wind chill was 19 degrees when I started running (Spring is in the air, huh?). I dressed appropriately and felt warm enough except my gloves got wet really fast. I normally carry a dry pair of gloves but today I didn’t. Big mistake. Around 11 miles, my left hand went from numb and tingly to downright hurting. I knew I needed warm, dry gloves so I ran back to my house which was only a 1/2 mile from where I was. My intention was to grab gloves and head back out. Once I got inside I just headed down to my treadmill for an additional 6 miles. When did I become such a wimp? About 2 months ago I ran in 0 degree weather! Apparently I get a taste of Spring and can no longer hang in cold weather.
This week’s Friday Favorites are all about summer. I’m trying to think warm thoughts since it feels like winter…
Summer Running
– The obvious favorite here is the weather. Give me hot and humid any day! You don’t have to worry about snow, sleet, ice, bitter cold wind, and if it rains, no big deal! Running in the summer rain is refreshing (minus the thunder and lightening).
– I love not having to obsessively stalk weather.com. It’s sunny and warm every day.
– Tanks and shorts are my summer running uniform. No need for tons of layers that take forever to put on.
– Since the sun rises earlier (for you AM runners) and sets later (for you PM runners), you can do longer weekday runs. I love to be out the door at 5:45AM and knock out a medium long run before work (maybe that’s just me though?).
Grilling/Eating/Drinking on the Deck
When Matt and I were looking for a house one of our requirements was for the house to have a deck. We have a deck that is totally private (no sharing hamburgers with the neighbors) and it backs up to trees. We eat out on the deck (and grill) almost every night. On Fridays, we have some drinks Miller Lites and it is so relaxing.

Jersey Shore
My parents live at the shore (they retired there) and we love to go down and, again, hang on their deck.

Summer Weddings
There’s a reason Matt and I got married in the summer! Luckily I have 3 weddings to go to this summer (hi Camille, Wendy, and Amanda)!

What are some of your favorite summertime things?