6 miles tempo
8:36 avg pace
2 miles easy, 3 miles at 7:54 (actual: 8:07, 7:54, 7:58), 1 mile easy.
I thought it’d be fun to do a post about some of my running pet peeves. Please feel free to share yours as well. We can vent together 🙂
I’m sure this is at the top of everyone’s list. I purposely do not run on roads for fear of getting run over. Especially with so many people talking on their phones or texting while driving. Thankfully, I have a great paved trail near my house that I run on almost all the time. The only scary part is that I have to cross 2 mini streets near train stations. It’s fun in the morning when people are rushing to work and flying over these streets so they don’t miss their train. Seriously, yield to pedestrians means nothing to these people.
Smoking is a big pet peeve of mine in general. I can’t stand the smell of cigarette smoke. On this paved trail I also run by 2 businesses where there employees are allowed to smoke pretty much right on the trail. Which means I run by and get a whiff of smoke in my face. Good times. I swear these people spend more time smoking than working. So gross.
Usually when I pass another runner, I’ll give some form of hello…be it a nod, smile, or “hi”. The people who don’t reciprocate piss me off! Not sure why this bothers me so much but it does. There’s this one girl that I’ve been seeing for years and she refuses to say hi. I’m talking like 5 years of completely ignoring me. We run at the same time on the same days. Jeez, we should be on a first name basis by now. I give up!
Well maybe not stalkers but more nosy people. The ones that look out their window or stop and watch you run by. You know, the nosy people in your neighborhood. In my case, it’s the older people that gawk. People run all the time; it’s not an uncommon occurrence! I feel extremely self conscious when people watch me run (with exception of races, of course). This isn’t a huge pet peeve, just more of an annoyance.
What are some of your running pet peeves?