Today is a rest day and I’m soaking up every single minute of it!
If you’re not familiar with who Kristin Armstrong is she’s Lance Armstrong’s ex-wife. She occasionally writes articles for Runner’s World but also has a blog called Mile Markers (for RW). I think I stumbled upon her blog after I read It’s Not About The Bike, the Lance Armstrong book. This book will always have a spot on my top 10 list. He is amazing and I’m a huge fan, in spite of all the allegations going on right now. It’s nice to know that some people really are capable of doing extraordinary things.
OK, back to Kristin. So I read Lance’s book and found her blog on RW. I wasn’t a fan at first. She was mushy and a little too you-go-girl for me. But there was something about her writing that kept bringing me back. She has a great way of stringing words together. That sounds so simplistic but it’s the best way to describe her writing. She’s not too shabby a runner either: 2 BQs and an ultra under her belt. Over time, I became a regular reader and found myself looking forward to her next post.
Her book is a collection of her blog posts, broken out into topics: friendship, endurance, freedom, fear, burdens, etc. If you’re a regular reader of Kristin’s blog, you won’t find any new posts in her book. However, I did enjoy re-reading some of my favorites and actually marked a few so I can read them again later. You also won’t find any advice on training…this is more of a Chicken Soup for Runners type of book.
All in all, I give it 3 stars out of 5.
Guess who got a haircut yesterday?