6 miles easy
9:21 avg pace
I should have kept my pace in the 9:30 to 9:45 range since I have a 20-miler tomorrow. But I couldn’t contain my excitement – it’s warm out! Feels like I brought some San Fran weather back home with me!
It’s time for Friday Favorites! I want to preface my favorite things by saying these are the first 3 things that came to mind. So that explains the randomness…
Friday Night Lights
Matt and I just started watching this through Netflix. So, so good. We are almost finished with Season 1 and I can’t get enough. I wasn’t sure if I’d like it since I’m not a fan of football but it’s so well written and the characters are great.
Flip Flops and Uggs
For me, these are all the shoes I need. Oh, and my 20 pairs of running shoes. I have some weird feet. They don’t look weird but they don’t fit into shoes well. Shoe shopping is not fun for me. I can go into DSW and try on tons of shoes and walk out with nothing. So I stick to my flips in the summer and my Uggs in the winter. You should see me in heels…I feel like a kid playing dress-up.

Green Beans
I told you my favorite things were random. I love me some green beans. Probably my favorite veggie. No butter or olive oil necessary, just some salt. Side note: since I sweat like a guy when I run (oh so hot), I salt everything. Today I had green beans and brown rice for lunch. I would have taken a picture (a la food blogger) but I devoured it.
TGIF! I’m seeing Black Swan tonight with my friend Michelle. From what I hear, it’s pretty messed up which is perfect for me and Michelle. She shares my like of sick and twisted things.