Updates first, good stuff second!
Update #1 – Boston Registration
The very, very good news: registration is still open and I was able to register at 10AM today (yay!). The bad news: per the B.A.A., those who are the fastest among the pool of applicants in their age and gender will be accepted. Accepted athletes will be notified by September 28. Not only do I have more waiting ahead of me, I’m BQ-1:14 (1:14 under my BQ time). So all the runners who are BQ-4, BQ-3, and BQ-2 will get accepted before me, until slots run out. Clear as mud, right? I cannot take this waiting anymore. But I have to remain positive – I got to register today, which I didn’t think was possible one week ago.
Update #2 – CBS Philly Most Valuable Blogger Awards
I was robbed! I checked the website last Thursday and found out I didn’t win (thanks for the heads up, CBS Philly). A gluten-free blog won, which I find hysterical. We live in a city that lives off soft pretzels, cheesesteaks, and Tastykakes and a gluten-free blog wins! That’s random. But thank you to everyone who voted each and every day. I’d like to think I came in second place 😉
Update #3 – Giveaway
I will pick 3 winners tonight, so there’s still time to enter!
I had a race-tastic weekend! On Saturday we did a Family Fun Walk and managed maybe 1 mile in 19 minutes. Thanks to Hawk’s pooing, sniffing, and general lack of walking in a straight line.

Sunday was the Philly RnR Half Marathon (aka, Team RTLR Half).

The weather was absolutely perfect. I had originally planned to run this race for run but at the starting line I decided to see what pace my legs could do. What did I have to lose? If my legs got tired halfway through – oh well – I’ll just slow down during the second half. I wasn’t surprised when my legs settled into marathon pace (8:30). At mile 6, I got this incredible surge of energy and my pace dropped to 8:15s then 8:09s. At mile 9, I thought I may have a shot at PRing so I dropped my pace even more (again, if I crashed and burned it didn’t matter…so why not?). Splits for miles 10 through 13:
M10 – 7:57
M11 – 7:42
M12 – 7:36
M13 – 7:37
I crossed the finish line with a 1:48:33 – good enough for a 1-minute PR!! My legs were more sore post-half marathon than they were post-BQ. Ouch. I won’t be racing again anytime soon (meaning the next few weeks).
Ann, Sara, and Jen: you ladies did an amazing job! I’m very proud. Each of you looked so strong at the finish!

Have a great Monday! I have the day off and I’m going shopping!