6 miles / 56:21 / 9:23 avg pace
My running has been pretty boring lately. Training for the Philly Half is just…there. I much prefer running HMs as tune-up races for marathons or for fun. Solely training for one…is just blah.
So instead of boring you with the details of this morning’s 6-miler, I had to come up with some new material. Without further adieu, things I don’t get…
- Hawk repeatedly eats things he is not suppose to and then throws up later on. Grass, baskets, seashells, etc. Then, the next day, he does the same thing. How does he not see the pattern here?
- Gaper delays. People complain about traffic but then slow down for a fender bender or gawk as someone gets pulled over. It’s not that interesting; keep moving.
- Women that run with their hair down. How does that not drive you crazy? I see a woman on my way to work that always runs with her hair down. I want to pull over and offer her a hair band.
- School bus stops. Why are they so frequent? Can’t all the kids from a single neighborhood congregate at a single corner so just 1 stop could be made?! Why must the bus stop at every block and pick up 1 kid?
- Blog traffic. Why are my page views sometimes higher on days I don’t post?
- Mullets. Are they back in style? I’ve seen quite a few of them lately.

What things don’t you get? Share something! Have you ever had a mullet?