I’m just shy of the 6 month mark and time is moving fast but not fast enough, if that makes sense. Once I hit 20 weeks, time seemed to sloooow down. I’m hoping for a very fast Fall.
I’m grateful to still be feeling fine – other than feeling large (I’ll get to that later). But I do have some confessions…
I’m not sad to see the summer go
So long to BBQs, shore trips, and (not) drinking on the deck. Do I sound a bit bitter? I am. I really missed drinking this summer. Before you peg me as a binge drinker, let me explain. There is nothing quite like an ice cold beer over the summer. On the deck and down the shore. After a long run. Especially after a long run. I had no idea how much I would miss it. I think a lot of it has to do with being pregnant over the summer. I probably would not have minded as much over the winter (uh, maybe). And thankfully I’m not into anything pumpkin so my bitterness will not extend into the Fall with the arrival of pumpkin-flavored beers.
I did not miss training for a marathon over the summer
This shocked me. I love long, sweaty 20-milers during the summer (see why the ice cold beer comes in handy?). Again, I thought it would be bitter city seeing everyone train for their Fall marathon. Not at all. Guess it shows how much of a mental break I needed from training. I’m so happy with where my running is right now; I’m perfectly happy with 10-13 mile long runs. And I know that, come 2014, I’ll be fresh and raring to go again.
The weight gain is tough
Obviously this is something you know is inevitable but it’s still mind blowing. When I walk by a store window, I don’t recognize myself. I’m up 14 lbs, which I assume is normal (reading about “normal” weight gain would drive me more insane…so I don’t). This is the most I have ever weighed and some days it’s hard. To grow so rapidly out of your pre-pregnancy clothes (seriously, one week they fit and the next they don’t) and to have T-shirts be snug?! T-shirts?!?! Thank god for maternity clothes (also thought I would never say that). I can’t believe I resisted them for so long.
23 weeks, 5 days…and feeling large.
I’ll be waddling my way through the Philly Rock n’ Roll Half next Sunday. I’m feeling pretty good about it. Excited too. This is always a balls-to-the-wall race for me so it’ll be nice to enjoy myself. I’m guaranteeing a PW (that would be anything over a 2:16 – my first HM finish time!). I plan on walking through the aid stations and running very slow. This may be my last distance race until after the baby is born. We’ll see 😉
Any of your own pregnancy confessions to share?
Running the Philly RnR Half?
Hey, congrats! Here’s to a healthy, uneventful pregnancy and about two minutes of labor.
Woman, you do NOT look large. If you want, I’ll email you a pregnancy picture that shows large. :^)
Seriously, though, I know how you feel. Pregnancy was my highest weight ever, too, but remember…that’s how it *should* be. Seems like you are gaining in a healthful way, and I’m glad you’ll get to enjoy your fall race.
And the beer will be there at the end of this “different kind of marathon.”
What she said! 🙂
Good luck at Philly! Also, book mark this so you can go back and laugh at yourself once you hit 38 weeks and can’t fit behind your steering wheel 🙂
You look great!!!! Good luck next week, it’s awesome that you are running it with the baby 🙂
I think you look adorable! But I definitely remember being pregnant and feeling huge even though I gained the recommended amount of weight. I also remember when I was pregnant it seemed like I saw more skinny people than ever before! It was like “why is every single person I see thinner than usual?” 🙂
What is it about NOT being able to do something that suddenly makes it so appealing? You are looking great! Hopefully the cooler weather feels good and stays around for your race – good luck!
Aw you’re not at all large! You look like me after I eat, LOL.
Have fun at RnR Philly!
You look great! I know what you mean about the weight gain though — I feel like a moose, only because I’ve been gaining weight so quickly. But I’m sure it’ll be hilarious to look back in even a few more weeks and roll my eyes about how “huge” I thought I was.
I hear ya on the beer too! I’m not a huge drinker, but there’s just something about a nice cool glass of beer in the summer I don’t think I’ll crave it as much in the fall/winter but this summer has been tough!
You look amazing!!! As on ObGyn nurse practitioner I say BRAVO! Keep up the momentum!
You are so tiny and you look great! Have fun at your half marathon! I think it is great that you are able to run and staying fit.
You look great! Good luck this weekend!
You look great! You might be the only I know who loves long runs in the dead of summer. Except crazies Kara and Alyssa with their summer ultras. Have fun at RnR Philly, it’s a good one!
aww, I’m sure the weight gain feels weird, but like you said it’s normal! And healthy 🙂 This weekend will be so much fun and I’m sure the little one will enjoy his/her first half marathon with you!
You look great! I’m glad you didn’t miss the 20 milers and have been content where you are. Hope you enjoyed the race!
I just found your blog. Congratulations on your pregnancy!!
I have 2 kids of my own (27 months and 8 months) so I had to laugh out loud when you mentioned about t-shirts getting snug. I completely had a breakdown when I noticed for the first time my t-shirt was tight. I totally understand what you’re feeling! Once I got over that, I ended up loving being pregnant, both times. And no matter what happens to your body, it’s all worth it.
You look fabulous, by the way!
You look great!!! My pregnancy confession: I don’t hydrate as well as I should. For some reason, I just don’t feel like drinking. Food – oh yes!!