Happy Memorial Day!
It’s been 4 weeks since I stopped MAF training and today begins marathon training (officially)! I plan on doing weekly updates but feel the need to update on the “in between” (if you care) and where I’m headed with marathon training (again, if you care).
I’m feeling better about training overall since my last post. I’m going to take it one day at a time and make a decision closer to the race about goals. There’s no way I can pinpoint a goal right now.
My body is getting used to speed work again. Over the past 4 weeks I slowly worked it back in…beginning with strides and building up to mile repeats. In fact, I did those dreaded mile repeats last week and this week! They’re not as bad as I remembered.
I’m definitely not as fast in regard to track work. No surprise. MAF training wasn’t intended to help out there (not directly at least). That doesn’t concern me so much since the base is there and I just need to stress the right systems to get faster. I have 16 weeks for that!
Mileage. Hmph. I go back and forth on this one. I truly believe in running high mileage (“high” being relative to the runner…one runner’s high mileage is another runner’s low mileage and vice versa). I’d love to max out at 65-70 mpw but that’s unrealistic for me right now. Especially since I’m turning up the intensity this cycle – I don’t want to manipulate too many variables at once. And I want to focus on “extras” – extras that take up time but are vitally important. It’s worth sacrificing a few miles for them. So I would imagine this training cycle being a low mileage one (40s/50s) for me.
Speaking of extras – I’m talking about pre-hab (I plan to do a whole post about this one), strength training, and barre. Ideally, I want to drop down to 4 days a week of running (I always run 5) to accommodate the extras but that might not always happen, especially when my mileage picks up.
I guess that’s where I stand. Of course this could all change! I’m finding that pregnancy (blame it all on pregnancy!) has made me very indecisive and I’m constantly changing my mind about everything. That’s why training will be taken one day at a time 🙂
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