During my long run on Saturday I thought about everything my body has gone through in the past year. A 30-lb weight gain, a gait that changed (and back that ached) because of said weight gain, a wider pelvis, a squished sciatic nerve, feet that grew both in length and width, labor and delivery, and then weight loss.
So why am I surprised that running kinda sucks some days and I often feel like I’m running in someone else’s body? During pregnancy I had these visions of effortless runs where I was flying. I mean, I ran throughout my pregnancy – don’t I just hop right back in the saddle?! Not exactly.
Structural Fitness
Cardiovascularly, I feel good. While marathon pace may feel like half marathon pace, I know that in time my speed will come back. I’m not overly concerned about that. My structural fitness (muscles, bones, tendons, etc.) has taken a hit. Again, I’m not sure why I am so surprised. My last substantial long run in 2013 was the Philly RnR Half in September. I was 6 months pregnant and knew my days of double digit runs were numbered. I ran 12 miles this Saturday and, structurally, it felt like 20. This system takes longer to adapt than the cardiovascular system so I just need to give it time.
Sleep just ain’t what it used to be. While I shouldn’t complain – Fiona sleeps very well – I could definitely use more (couldn’t we all?) or more deep sleep (checking the monitor excessively doesn’t lend itself to sound sleeping). Less sleep = less repair.
This surely has something to do with it, right?
one more because i couldn’t resist…
Taking all of this into consideration, I need to give myself a bit of a break. Maybe I’ll feel back to my old self in 6 months? Or maybe I’ll adapt to my new normal?
Just like it has in the past, consistency and hard work will pay off. I just have to be patient.
Any moms out there feel the same way about running postpartum?
Hi Kristy,
I can’t say I have any experience with how it feels to get back into running shape again but I’m grateful for your posts because your progress has been phenomenal and it gives me positive reinforcement that it is possible to rebuild after what your body goes through. I’m trying to be positive and patient about getting back out there and I’m always impressed when you post a new blog with how much progress you’ve made in such a short time (and with little to no sleep). You’re only going to keep getting better and better!
Heck yeah your body has been through a lot! And like you said, it’s definitely compounded by lack of sleep. I found that running postpartum, my speed actually returned in spades. My body, however, had all kinds of new aches and pains and to this day, I still think I pushed it too quickly. I would tell any new mom–take your time; there’s no rush.
Fiona is positively adorable!
Very interesting – I’m definitely curious to know how long it takes to return “to normal”. Or if that happens at all. I’m impressed that you are already up to 12 miles!
Wow. I totally identify with this post. I completely agree about the structural fitness bit…I’ve never heard that term but it is so accurate! I didn’t run most of my pregnancy, so cardiovascularly I’m a little behind too, but still loads better than structurally.
I’ve also been thinking lately that women don’t get faster post-baby because of “increase in pain tolerance from labor”…I think we get faster because of an all-around increase in becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable: I’ve been going on runs with a huge sleep deficit (my baby is still waking every 2-3 hours at night pretty much every night) AND half the time I’m dehydrated and/or hungry because it’s really time for a meal or a snack but it’s my only chance to run so I take it…And that has become the new “normal”.
Side note: Do you find it really hard to stay hydrated while breastfeeding? I’m really struggling with that!
First of all, Fiona is absolutely adorable! And you look fantastic too! Motherhood becomes you. 🙂
As far as running goes, it’s always hard coming back from a hiatus (pregnancy or otherwise). And while you may KNOW that pregnancy changes your body, it takes time to get back to “normal”, etc., etc. It’s still a reality check when you are actually getting back to running and in disbelieve that you can’t throw down a string of 7-min miles!
Just try to enjoy the runs for what they are and don’t worry about the numbers for now.
I’m just going to say that Fiona is adorable!!! 🙂
OMG, FIona is so adorable. I swear she gets cuter, each pic you post, how is that possible?
Fiona is ADORABLE! I loving the pics! I hope you are not being too hard on yourself as you are right your body has been through lots over the past year. keep rockin’ and I know you’ll be back to your old self again soon!
I felt the same way you did. then at exactly 3mos postpartum, something just clicked and I got a lot faster. But I was focusing on speed more so than endurance so maybe that helped? Or maybe it was just a total fluke!
Keep it up! It’s amazing you’re already back to doing 12-milers. Truly inspiring!
What a cutie!! I’m currently waiting for my “all clear” sign at my 6 week check up, so I can start running again. I didn’t run through the pregnancy and wonder how my comeback will be. My goal is to run a half marathon at the end of the year.
Hi Kristy, I picked up one of your cards at core and more studio. Couldn’t believe it and you’re a Mom now! I would love to take you to lunch! Give me a call!
Connie Leach