8 miles speed work
I had a frustrating morning. A doctor’s appointment that took 3 hours door-to-door and when I came home our internet was out. Wouldn’t be a big deal except that I was working from home and pretty much need the internet to do anything. So I went for a run. No use waiting around for the internet and, since I was cranky (putting it mildly), a run would mellow me out. Luckily speed work was on the agenda today. Nothing like taking your frustrations out by running fast kinda fast.
I did 1×1200 and 5×800. I’m making up my own speed work these days. I look at my schedule, sigh, and then do what I want. I kept my pace between 7:15 and 7:30. I was slower than the 800s I did a few weeks ago but instead of being a slave to the Garmin, I used my perception to see if I was working hard or not. I made sure my exertion was a “7 or 8” on a scale of 1 to 10. That also means I’m huffing and puffing like crazy. As long as I’m doing that, I consider the workout successful!
I’m hoping to catch up on The Bachelor tonight. There was no way I was going to be able to stay awake for all the drama last night. I already know who “won” anyway…and who the next Bachelorette will be!
Oh good point on the next Bachelorette–who do you think???
I like the mixture of distances you put together for speed–excellent paces. I huff like a mad woman in the gym and am thankful others have ear phones in!
I’m sorry to hear about your frustrations today. Grr. Hopefully, your night went better! Good job on your speed work! Nice pace.
just found your blog and love it! i also did tnt (for my first marathon in disney this past january) and ive done a few of the same races you have, being from the dc area…just signed up for mcm in october and can’t wait!
Hi Gwen! Congratulations! You must have had a good experience if you are doing MCM in October 🙂 You are going to LOVE it! If you have any questions about the race, please let me know…it’s my favorite!