8 miles tempo
8:52 avg pace
What the plan called for: 2 mile warm-up, 3 miles just under 8:00 pace, 1 mile cool-down
What I did: 2 mile warm-up, 3 miles (8:00, 7:57, 7:58), 2 miles at GMP, 1 mile cool-down Hell no. After those 3 miles, I did a 3 mile cool-down.
Ouch! I got me some brick legs. During yesterday’s speed work and today’s tempo my legs have been so tired and heavy. I’m sure doing 2 hard days back-to-back doesn’t help. But last week was a drop-back week! Shouldn’t my legs feel more refreshed?!
Then the light bulb went on during my run this morning! Ah ha! Noticeably absent from my fridge is chocolate milk. I have been refueling within a 1/2 hour after my long runs (I always do) but what about my speed and tempo runs? They are hard runs too! I do them in the morning and then I rush to get ready and get to work. I eat breakfast at my desk but sometimes it’s up to an hour and half after my run. Opps. Last week I ran hard on Monday and Wednesday and didn’t refuel properly. This week I ran hard on Tuesday and didn’t refuel properly. Sounds like I need to practice what I preach (note: I did have a heaping spoonful of PB after this morning’s run. No chocolate milk but it has protein and carbs).
Last night I went to RYAH for a vinyasa class. My favorite teacher, Candace, was supposed to teach but another teacher subbed for her. I liked this teacher but she kept saying the word “blossom”. Push your shoulders back and open up that chest. Really let it blossom. Of course, I fought the urge to giggle. I have no idea what’s with me and yoga teachers. I completely fixate on their words. But come on…”blossom” is a strange word, right? Reminds me of the TV show Blossom from the early 90s. Anyone remember that show? I used to love it.
Off to rest these legs with a little Gossip Girl. Tomorrow is a rest day 🙂
I could never do a tempo run the day after intervals! my legs NEED an easy day in between 🙂 I bet the refueling will help too! It’s tough when you’re getting ready for work, but something fast will help a ton. I’ve been trying to be better about that too.
I know, I have to do a better job planning my runs. I feel like I do them back-to-back a lot which isn’t good. I’m still learning 🙂
Brick legs: I’ve had those all winter.
I always do speed work then easy run. Sometimes I’ll follow speed work with a semi long run but I take that long run really slow, slow, slow and easy.
Crazy lady – back to back hard workouts! I have been much better about drinking either chocolate milk, or a muscle milk when I am finished with my long runs or hard workouts and have been recovering even faster! Plus I’d like to think my metabolism is super high at that point so my body burns it off fast 😉